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Gobblers Jog 2019 - 5k Run/Walk - Text File Results

                              2019 Gobblers Jog - Run/Walk Results
  Place No.   Name                    Age Gen City               St Div Sex Time      Pace     
  ===== ===== ======================= === === ================== == === === ========= ===== 
      1   757 Christian Noble          22   M Mart               TX   1   1   14:43.0  4:45 
      2   148 Eric Carothers           19   M Fishers            IN   1   2   16:51.5  5:26 
      3   399 Garrett Hicks            16   M Fishers            IN   2   3   17:13.9  5:33 
      4  1215 William Clark            16   M Fishers            IN   3   4   17:29.7  5:38 
      5  1001 Andrew Smith             18   M Fishers            IN   4   5   17:36.2  5:40 
      6  1073 William Tuckis           15   M Fishers            IN   5   6   17:36.6  5:41 
      7   166 Hunter Christy           18   M Noblesville        IN   6   7   17:50.4  5:45 
      8   149 Caden Carpenter          15   M Noblesville        IN   7   8   17:57.3  5:47 
      9   329 Christian Geary          16   M Fishers            IN   8   9   18:10.3  5:51 
     10   907 Ian Ross                 14   M Fortville          IN   1  10   18:20.9  5:55 
     11   404 Scott Hicks              23   M Naperville         IL   2  11   18:48.9  6:04 
     12   498 Christopher Kasperan     17   M St John            IN   9  12   18:55.1  6:06 
     13  1246 Mike Stubbs              31   M Fishers            IN   1  13   19:07.6  6:10 
     14  1206 Reece Torres             10   M Fishers            IN   2  14   19:09.0  6:10 
     15   192 Katie Conrad             29   F Noblesville        IN   1   1   19:09.4  6:10 
     16   499 Daniel Kasperan          13   M St John            IN   3  15   19:21.5  6:14 
     17  1104 Adam Warski              13   M Fishers            IN   4  16   19:27.2  6:16 
     18   230 Steve Dalton             35   M Fishers            IN   1  17   19:27.7  6:16 
     19   495 Cooper Kane              15   M Fishers            IN  10  18   19:31.3  6:17 
     20   915 John Ruby                47   M Fishers            IN   1  19   19:31.6  6:18 
     21   616 Chad Martin              42   M Fishers            IN   1  20   19:39.7  6:20 
     22  1221 Ben Schwartz             18   M Fishers            IN  11  21   19:51.8  6:24 
     23    90 Thomas Brelage           18   M Fishers            IN  12  22   19:57.6  6:26 
     24   400 Jackson Hicks            10   M Fishers            IN   5  23   19:58.0  6:26 
     25   592 Matthew Leppert          17   M Fishers            IN  13  24   19:59.0  6:26 
     26   637 Preston Meade            23   M Fishers            IN   3  25   20:02.2  6:27 
     27    92 Colin Brier              14   M Fortville          IN   6  26   20:02.6  6:28 
     28    47 Andrew Belloli           37   M Noblesville        IN   2  27   20:03.8  6:28 
     29   276 Grant Dunnuck            15   M Noblesville        IN  14  28   20:08.6  6:29 
     30  1152 Logan Wright             14   M Noblesville        IN   7  29   20:09.2  6:30 
     31  1061 Nathan Thomas            12   M Fishers            IN   8  30   20:10.2  6:30 
     32    50 Grant Belush             15   M Fishers            IN  15  31   20:10.4  6:30 
     33  1146 Conner Wright            16   M Noblesville        IN  16  32   20:10.9  6:30 
     34   943 Tyler Schiesser          14   M Fishers            IN   9  33   20:11.4  6:30 
     35    89 Jake Brattain            18   M Fishers            IN  17  34   20:16.0  6:32 
     36   102 A.J. Brisben             18   M Fishers            IN  18  35   20:16.6  6:32 
     37   835 Liam Powers              12   M Fishers            IN  10  36   20:17.7  6:32 
     38  1081 Gavin Vessels            14   M Fishers            IN  11  37   20:18.8  6:33 
     39   350 Parker Gopsill           16   M Fishers            IN  19  38   20:29.4  6:36 
     40   867 Austin Rankin             9   M Fishers            IN   1  39   20:32.9  6:37 
     41  1147 Gregory Wright           46   M Noblesville        IN   2  40   20:43.7  6:41 
     42   872 Blake Ratliff            19   M Fishers            IN  20  41   20:44.1  6:41 
     43   604 Nick Lukac               18   M Fishers            IN  21  42   20:47.1  6:42 
     44   282 Jay Eiteljorge           45   M Fishers            IN   3  43   20:49.3  6:43 
     45    17 Luke Andritsch           16   M Fishers            IN  22  44   20:51.0  6:43 
     46   254 Nicole Delozier          24   F McCordsville       IN   1   2   20:52.4  6:44 
     47   836 Maggie Powers            13   F Fishers            IN   1   3   21:00.9  6:46 
     48   392 Matthew Hemmerling       13   M Fishers            IN  12  45   21:02.4  6:47 
     49   675 Braden Myers             14   M Fishers            IN  13  46   21:04.7  6:48 
     50   521 Kurt Kleinhelter         50   M Fishers            IN   1  47   21:08.6  6:49 
     51   119 Eric Buenger             30   M Fishers            IN   2  48   21:12.7  6:50 
     52   999 Gehrig Slunaker          16   M Fortville          IN  23  49   21:14.6  6:51 
     53  1047 Anna Swingle             42   F Fortville          IN   1   4   21:15.3  6:51 
     54   590 Paul Legge               54   M Indianapolis       IN   2  50   21:15.7  6:51 
     55   652 Ali Mohamed              16   M Fishers            IN  24  51   21:17.0  6:51 
     56    24 Deagan Baker             12   M Fishers            IN  14  52   21:17.9  6:52 
     57   152 Anthony Castillo         16   M Fishers            IN  25  53   21:19.8  6:52 
     58   159 Thomas Chesebrough       17   M Fishers            IN  26  54   21:20.5  6:53 
     59   852 Ethan Pulliam            19   M Fishers            IN  27  55   21:24.0  6:54 
     60   375 Brooke Hansen            16   F Fort Wayne         IN   1   5   21:24.7  6:54 
     61    91 Aiden Brier               9   M Fortville          IN   2  56   21:24.9  6:54 
     62  1193 Clint Cushman            51   M McCordsville       IN   3  57   21:27.4  6:55 
     63    93 Dan Brier                43   M Fortville          IN   2  58   21:27.4  6:55 
     64   854 Tyler Pulliam            18   M Fishers            IN  28  59   21:29.5  6:56 
     65   850 Carter Pritchett         15   M Fishers            IN  29  60   21:30.8  6:56 
     66  1070 Benjamin Tuckis          13   M Fishers            IN  15  61   21:34.7  6:57 
     67   346 Luke Godleski            15   M Fishers            IN  30  62   21:37.7  6:58 
     68    12 Noah Anderson            13   M Noblesville        IN  16  63   21:38.3  6:58 
     69  1000 Jeff Slunaker            42   M Fortville          IN   3  64   21:40.6  6:59 
     70   171 Noah Clayman             20   M Fishers            IN   4  65   21:43.4  7:00 
     71   930 J Blake Sanderson        49   M Fishers            IN   4  66   21:45.9  7:01 
     72   639 Aidan Merante            16   M Fishers            IN  31  67   21:50.1  7:02 
     73   506 Drew Kennedy             15   M Fortville          IN  32  68   21:50.9  7:02 
     74   129 Joe Burton               62   M Greenfield         IN   1  69   21:50.9  7:02 
     75   613 Will Marquardt           15   M Fishers            IN  33  70   21:50.9  7:02 
     76  1243 Abby Carter              17   F Fishers            IN   2   6   21:51.2  7:03 
     77   336 Emma Gillespie           17   F Fishers            IN   3   7   21:51.5  7:03 
     78   349 Josh Goodman             38   M Fishers            IN   3  71   21:51.7  7:03 
     79   561 Allie Latta              15   F Fishers            IN   4   8   21:51.8  7:03 
     80  1075 Brynn Urban              17   F Fishers            IN   5   9   21:51.9  7:03 
     81   933 Nolan Satterfield        15   M Fishers            IN  34  72   21:53.8  7:03 
     82   401 Landon Hicks             12   M Fishers            IN  17  73   21:55.3  7:04 
     83   290 Benjamin Faux            12   M Fishers            IN  18  74   21:58.4  7:05 
     84   109 Zachary Brown            13   M Fishers            IN  19  75   22:01.3  7:06 
     85   247 Zane Davis               17   M Noblesville        IN  35  76   22:03.3  7:06 
     86   442 Jackie Hurlock           14   F Fishers            IN   2  10   22:03.8  7:07 
     87   612 Natalie Marquardt        49   F Fishers            IN   1  11   22:04.2  7:07 
     88   245 Taylor Davis             28   F Chicago            IL   2  12   22:12.1  7:09 
     89   474 Jeremiah Jones           41   M Fishers            IN   4  77   22:12.9  7:09 
     90  1239 Connor Jacobia           12   M Indianapolis       IN  20  78   22:15.7  7:10 
     91   571 Timmy Lawrence           12   M Fishers            IN  21  79   22:22.8  7:13 
     92   287 David Evers              49   M McCordsville       IN   5  80   22:27.5  7:14 
     93   526 Matthew Knudsen          19   M Granville          OH  36  81   22:28.0  7:14 
     94  1088 Michelle Wade            48   F Fortville          IN   2  13   22:30.5  7:15 
     95   893 Charlie Ritter           10   M Fishers            IN  22  82   22:33.3  7:16 
     96   318 Erin Gastineau           47   F Fishers            IN   3  14   22:33.3  7:16 
     97  1009 Tim Smith                39   M Fishers            IN   4  83   22:33.9  7:16 
     98    64 Lindsey Blom             42   F Fortville          IN   2  15   22:34.0  7:16 
     99  1002 Hank Smith                5   M Fishers            IN   3  84   22:35.0  7:17 
    100  1007 Stephanie Smith          39   F Fishers            IN   1  16   22:38.7  7:18 
    101  1120 Ryan Weldy               16   M Fishers            IN  37  85   22:40.3  7:18 
    102   879 Michelle Rhoads          45   F Fishers            IN   4  17   22:40.4  7:18 
    103   446 Jenna Iglio              15   F Fishers            IN   6  18   22:42.1  7:19 
    104   972 Andi Shick               17   F Fishers            IN   7  19   22:43.1  7:19 
    105   942 Mia Schiesser            12   F Fishers            IN   3  20   22:43.1  7:19 
    106  1111 Tucker Watson            11   M Fishers            IN  23  86   22:43.4  7:19 
    107   310 Kristin Freije           53   F Fishers            IN   1  21   22:44.5  7:20 
    108   130 Benjamin Butler          14   M Fishers            IN  24  87   22:44.8  7:20 
    109   377 Taylor Hansen            13   F Fort Wayne         IN   4  22   22:49.0  7:21 
    110   170 Mike Clayman             46   M Fishers            IN   6  88   22:50.0  7:21 
    111   291 Taylor Fields            30   M Fishers            IN   3  89   22:51.5  7:22 
    112   110 Benjamin Bruns           12   M Fishers            IN  25  90   22:51.9  7:22 
    113  1245 Cameron Shirvinski       11   M Fishers            IN  26  91   22:52.3  7:22 
    114   519 Alex Kleinhelter         17   M Fishers            IN  38  92   22:52.7  7:22 
    115  1087 Bryan Wade               49   M Fishers            IN   7  93   22:52.9  7:22 
    116   319 Greg Gastineau           53   M Fishers            IN   4  94   22:53.5  7:23 
    117  1072 Teddy Tuckis              9   M Fishers            IN   4  95   22:57.0  7:24 
    118   385 Bradley Haven            11   M Fishers            IN  27  96   22:59.3  7:24 
    119   868 David Rankin             45   M Fishers            IN   8  97   23:01.0  7:25 
    120   270 Paul Dubas               30   M Chicago            IL   4  98   23:01.9  7:25 
    121   233 Michael Damson           46   M Fishers            IN   9  99   23:05.0  7:26 
    122   896 Darren Rivera            25   M Lake Mary          FL   1 100   23:05.3  7:26 
    123  1161 Gareth Yeoman            38   M Indianapolis       IN   5 101   23:09.8  7:28 
    124   309 John Freije              55   M Fishers            IN   1 102   23:12.2  7:29 
    125   342 Nathan Gilmet            14   M Pendleton          IN  28 103   23:12.7  7:29 
    126  1080 Tami Vernon              43   F Noblesville        IN   3  23   23:13.6  7:29 
    127   914 Todd Rowlett             41   M Fishers            IN   5 104   23:17.0  7:30 
    128   689 John Nichwitz            55   M Fishers            IN   2 105   23:19.9  7:31 
    129   154 Jude Chamberlain         11   M Fishers            IN  29 106   23:21.2  7:31 
    130   155 Travis Chamberlain       45   M Fishers            IN  10 107   23:23.0  7:32 
    131   132 Keith Butler             43   M Fishers            IN   6 108   23:25.3  7:33 
    132   454 Amy Jackson              42   F Fishers            IN   4  24   23:28.7  7:34 
    133   354 Kelsey Green             27   F Fishers            IN   3  25   23:31.7  7:35 
    134  1056 Riley Teurman             8   F Noblesville        IN   1  26   23:32.1  7:35 
    135   458 Elizabeth Jahns          46   F Fishers            IN   5  27   23:34.6  7:36 
    136   457 Abigail Jahns            17   F Fishers            IN   8  28   23:36.5  7:36 
    137   459 Margaret Jahns           21   F Fishers            IN   2  29   23:36.6  7:36 
    138   100 Dennis Brinker           54   M Fishers            IN   5 109   23:38.2  7:37 
    139  1238 Douglas Trumpey          49   M Forest             IN  11 110   23:42.3  7:38 
    140   224 Brett Crousore           46   M Fishers            IN  12 111   23:43.7  7:39 
    141   981 Henry Silver             14   M Fishers            IN  30 112   23:45.5  7:39 
    142   805 Andrew Orme              17   M Fishers            IN  39 113   23:46.2  7:40 
    143   524 Noah Kline               12   M Fishers            IN  31 114   23:48.9  7:40 
    144  1105 Alex Warski              10   M Fishers            IN  32 115   23:49.4  7:41 
    145   476 Kiley Jones              16   F Fishers            IN   9  30   23:49.5  7:41 
    146   150 John Carpenter           53   M Noblesville        IN   6 116   23:49.6  7:41 
    147   527 Nathan Knudsen           16   M Granville          OH  40 117   23:49.7  7:41 
    148   812 Derek Paquin             50   M McCordsville       IN   7 118   23:51.4  7:41 
    149   811 Derek Paquin             50   M McCordsville       IN   8 119   23:52.4  7:42 
    150   834 Erik Powers              47   M Fishers            IN  13 120   23:56.7  7:43 
    151   822 Marc Patterson           40   M Fishers            IN   7 121   23:57.5  7:43 
    152   940 Jason Schiesser          43   M Fishers            IN   8 122   23:58.3  7:43 
    153   543 Emily Kuhn               27   F Atlanta            GA   4  31   23:59.3  7:44 
    154   758 Lisa Noll                37   F Indianapolis       IN   2  32   23:59.9  7:44 
    155  1057 Shannon Teurman          35   F Noblesville        IN   3  33   24:00.2  7:44 
    156   124 Matthew Bullington       10   M Mokena             IL  33 123   24:00.8  7:44 
    157  1102 Regan Wans               16   F Fishers            IN  10  34   24:01.2  7:44 
    158   374 Taylor Hall              33   M Fishers            IN   5 124   24:01.4  7:44 
    159   123 Lauren Bullington        38   F Mokena             IL   4  35   24:01.5  7:44 
    160   911 Nate Roundy              28   M Fishers            IN   2 125   24:02.9  7:45 
    161   545 Lance Kuhn               56   M Fishers            IN   3 126   24:05.5  7:46 
    162   546 Samuel Kuhn              19   M Fishers            IN  41 127   24:06.5  7:46 
    163   765 Mark Ochall              41   M Fishers            IN   9 128   24:07.2  7:46 
    164   542 Abbi Kuhn                24   F Bloomington        IN   3  36   24:07.3  7:46 
    165  1216 Tommy Clark              15   M Fishers            IN  42 129   24:08.1  7:47 
    166   379 Becky Harmon             37   F Fishers            IN   5  37   24:09.2  7:47 
    167   977 Shay Shipley             15   F McCordsville       IN  11  38   24:12.1  7:48 
    168   494 Bentley Kane             18   M Fishers            IN  43 130   24:14.4  7:49 
    169  1106 Kristine Warski          48   F Fishers            IN   6  39   24:15.1  7:49 
    170   470 Colin Jones              12   M Fishers            IN  34 131   24:19.0  7:50 
    171   396 Elise Herman             13   F Fishers            IN   5  40   24:23.3  7:51 
    172   871 Bailey Ratliff           14   F Fishers            IN   6  41   24:25.5  7:52 
    173   873 Brooke Ratliff           16   F Fishers            IN  12  42   24:25.8  7:52 
    174  1060 Michael Thomas           53   M Fishers            IN   9 132   24:25.8  7:52 
    175  1202 Everett Kalman           20   M Bloomington        IN   5 133   24:26.3  7:52 
    176   840 Gage Pratt               17   M Fishers            IN  44 134   24:30.0  7:54 
    177   408 Halle Hill               16   F Fishers            IN  13  43   24:30.2  7:54 
    178   523 Max Kline                11   M Fishers            IN  35 135   24:30.3  7:54 
    179   983 Teddy Silver              9   M Fishers            IN   5 136   24:30.5  7:54 
    180   463 Ellie Johnson            17   F Noblesville        IN  14  44   24:30.9  7:54 
    181   321 Shane Gastineau          15   M Fishers            IN  45 137   24:32.0  7:54 
    182   189 Lesley Conn              41   F Fishers            IN   5  45   24:32.5  7:54 
    183   322 Rashard Gathers          44   M Wexford            PA  10 138   24:41.4  7:57 
    184   978 Damian Siela             34   M Fishers            IN   6 139   24:42.7  7:58 
    185  1074 Tom Uebbing              39   M Fishers            IN   6 140   24:43.4  7:58 
    186   314 Timothy Galloway         67   M McCordsville       IN   1 141   24:43.8  7:58 
    187   410 Annelise Hiner           13   F Fishers            IN   7  46   24:43.9  7:58 
    188   537 Calvin Kraft             24   M Fishers            IN   6 142   24:45.8  7:59 
    189   492 Addie Kane               13   F Fishers            IN   8  47   24:51.7  8:01 
    190   870 Jeremy Rase              43   M Fishers            IN  11 143   24:53.0  8:01 
    191   633 Madeline McNarney        17   F Fishers            IN  15  48   24:53.6  8:01 
    192  1039 Jackson Sweeney          20   M Fishers            IN   7 144   24:54.5  8:01 
    193   281 Katie Edwards            18   F Fishers            IN  16  49   24:54.8  8:02 
    194  1043 Matt Sweeney             48   M Fishers            IN  14 145   24:57.9  8:03 
    195   831 Dexter Phillips          15   M Noblesville        IN  46 146   24:59.1  8:03 
    196   466 Andrew Jones             55   M Fortville          IN   4 147   24:59.2  8:03 
    197   820 Chad Patterson           42   M Chicago            IL  12 148   24:59.4  8:03 
    198   668 Lindsay Mundy            31   F McCordsville       IN   1  50   25:01.0  8:04 
    199   191 Taylen Conn               9   M Fishers            IN   6 149   25:01.4  8:04 
    200   504 Kian Kelly               12   M Fishers            IN  36 150   25:09.6  8:06 
    201   186 Scott Comer              44   M Fishers            IN  13 151   25:10.7  8:07 
    202   165 Jason Christena          42   M Fishers            IN  14 152   25:13.4  8:08 
    203   403 Mark Hicks               50   M Fishers            IN  10 153   25:18.7  8:09 
    204   253 Natalie Delozier         24   F McCordsville       IN   4  51   25:19.2  8:09 
    205   986 Nicholas Simmons         57   M Fishers            IN   5 154   25:19.3  8:09 
    206  1249 John Howard              34   M Fishers            IN   7 155   25:19.4  8:10 
    207   185 Preston Collins          11   M Fishers            IN  37 156   25:19.7  8:10 
    208   666 Jake Mundy               32   M McCordsville       IN   8 157   25:21.8  8:10 
    209   587 Lucas Lefevers           21   M Beavercreek        OH   8 158   25:24.2  8:11 
    210   818 Colin Patrick            19   M McCordsville       IN  47 159   25:25.7  8:12 
    211   327 Riley Gearhart           16   F Fishers            IN  17  52   25:25.8  8:12 
    212   172 Riley Clayton            16   F Fishers            IN  18  53   25:26.0  8:12 
    213   249 Jessica Day              38   F Fishers            IN   6  54   25:26.2  8:12 
    214   594 Shelley Lidy             49   F Fortville          IN   7  55   25:26.3  8:12 
    215   669 Ben Murphy               16   M Kingston           TN  48 160   25:26.9  8:12 
    216   104 David Broviak            43   M Fishers            IN  15 161   25:27.7  8:12 
    217   315 Ethan Gantz              18   M Fishers            IN  49 162   25:28.2  8:12 
    218  1008 Steve Smith              54   M Newpalestine       IN  11 163   25:28.9  8:13 
    219   540 Natalie Kraft            22   F Fishers            IN   5  56   25:30.7  8:13 
    220  1023 Matt Steele              29   M Carmel             IN   3 164   25:30.7  8:13 
    221   678 Kane Myers               11   M Fishers            IN  38 165   25:32.1  8:14 
    222   869 Shea Rankin              46   F Fishers            IN   8  57   25:33.4  8:14 
    223   366 Marcus Gullett           37   M Fishers            IN   7 166   25:34.3  8:14 
    224   289 Scott Ewing              44   M Noblesville        IN  16 167   25:37.8  8:15 
    225   274 Abigayle Dunnuck         13   M Noblesville        IN  39 168   25:40.5  8:16 
    226   621 James McClellan          38   M Indianapolis       IN   8 169   25:41.6  8:17 
    227   864 Paul Ramer               35   M Carmel             IN   9 170   25:43.7  8:17 
    228  1064 Steve Toon               58   M Indianapolis       IN   6 171   25:43.9  8:17 
    229   256 Chuck Dodge              39   M Fishers            IN  10 172   25:44.4  8:18 
    230   609 Teresa Lynch             50   F Fishers            IN   2  58   25:46.3  8:18 
    231   328 Cara Geary               48   F Fishers            IN   9  59   25:47.0  8:18 
    232  1168 Esperanza Zepeda         33   F Fishers            IN   2  60   25:47.7  8:19 
    233  1100 Hugo Wans                46   M Fishers            IN  15 173   25:48.1  8:19 
    234   288 Melissa Ewing            43   F Noblesville        IN   6  61   25:48.2  8:19 
    235   858 Sara Quetant             28   F Indianapolis       IN   5  62   25:49.9  8:19 
    236   397 Steve Herman             43   M Fishers            IN  17 174   25:54.7  8:21 
    237   959 Eli Self                 20   M Noblesville        IN   9 175   25:56.9  8:22 
    238   196 Amy Cooper               25   F Indianapolis       IN   6  63   25:58.0  8:22 
    239   839 Chris Pratt              48   M Fishers            IN  16 176   25:58.7  8:22 
    240   425 Lola Horstman            11   F Fishers            IN   9  64   25:59.6  8:22 
    241  1018 Izzie Springer           11   F Fishers            IN  10  65   26:01.0  8:23 
    242  1011 Jeff Somers              52   M Fishers            IN  12 177   26:01.4  8:23 
    243   876 Keri Reber Poe           36   F Fishers            IN   7  66   26:03.2  8:24 
    244  1099 Henry Wans               11   M Fishers            IN  40 178   26:06.8  8:25 
    245   603 Bryce Lukac              14   M Fishers            IN  41 179   26:06.9  8:25 
    246   369 Susan Guyer              35   F McCordsville       IN   8  67   26:07.3  8:25 
    247   368 Mark Guyer               37   M McCordsville       IN  11 180   26:07.5  8:25 
    248  1122 Jill Wheeler             41   F Fishers            IN   7  68   26:09.1  8:26 
    249  1212 Jason Kean               42   M Fishers            IN  18 181   26:12.8  8:27 
    250     9 Zayd Almaya              16   M Fishers            IN  50 182   26:13.2  8:27 
    251   228 Max Dalton               17   M Lake Mary          FL  51 183   26:13.4  8:27 
    252  1024 Brady Stewart            13   M Fishers            IN  42 184   26:13.6  8:27 
    253   451 Clara Isaacs             12   F Westfield          IN  11  69   26:14.5  8:27 
    254   460 Nate Jakobek             30   M Huntersville       NC   9 185   26:14.8  8:27 
    255   479 Caden Joniec             12   M Fishers            IN  43 186   26:15.4  8:28 
    256   390 Libby Hayes              17   F Fishers            IN  19  70   26:15.6  8:28 
    257   874 Kathy Ratliff            51   F Fishers            IN   3  71   26:18.5  8:29 
    258   164 Travis Chilcote           9   M Fishers            IN   7 187   26:19.3  8:29 
    259   522 Holly Kline              47   F Fishers            IN  10  72   26:21.8  8:30 
    260   817 Brynn Patrick            16   F McCordsville       IN  20  73   26:22.4  8:30 
    261   398 Bradley Hicks            27   M Naperville         IL   4 188   26:24.0  8:30 
    262    62 Olga Bliuc-Haggard       37   F Noblesville        IN   9  74   26:24.2  8:30 
    263   143 Elinor Carmona           99   F Fishers            IN   1  75   26:25.2  8:31 
    264  1012 Logan Sorrell            17   F Fishers            IN  21  76   26:25.2  8:31 
    265  1166 Nathan Zakrzewski        11   M Fishers            IN  44 189   26:26.6  8:31 
    266   937 Maddie Schiefelbein      24   F Lake Mary          FL   6  77   26:27.6  8:31 
    267   939 Maura Schiefelbein       45   F Lake Mary          FL  11  78   26:29.1  8:32 
    268   938 Mark Schiefelbein        49   M Lake Mary          FL  17 190   26:29.9  8:32 
    269   372 Justin Haggard           35   M Noblesville        IN  12 191   26:30.1  8:32 
    270  1025 Ranae Stewart            40   F Fishers            IN   8  79   26:30.2  8:32 
    271   480 Cam Joniec               12   M Fishers            IN  45 192   26:30.3  8:32 
    272  1222 Kim Glaze                52   F Fortville          IN   4  80   26:31.5  8:33 
    273   674 Blake Myers              18   M Fortville          IN  52 193   26:31.8  8:33 
    274   332 Shayna Gerster           33   F Fishers            IN   3  81   26:31.9  8:33 
    275    16 Grace Andritsch          22   F Fishers            IN   7  82   26:31.9  8:33 
    276   690 Rachel Nichwitz          22   F Three Lakes        WI   8  83   26:32.8  8:33 
    277  1059 Gabriel Thomas           16   M Fishers            IN  53 194   26:35.0  8:34 
    278  1003 Jason Smith              48   M Noblesville        IN  18 195   26:35.5  8:34 
    279   386 Kara Haven               45   F Fishers            IN  12  84   26:36.3  8:34 
    280   595 Alexis Linn              40   F Fishers            IN   9  85   26:36.9  8:34 
    281   417 Megan Hoeppner           40   F Fishers            IN  10  86   26:37.5  8:35 
    282   596 Nathan Little            25   M Fishers            IN   5 196   26:39.5  8:35 
    283   478 Ryan Jones               41   M Noblesville        IN  19 197   26:39.6  8:35 
    284   991 Karyn Sinn               40   F McCordsville       IN  11  87   26:41.3  8:36 
    285   416 Mark Hodson              49   M Fishers            IN  19 198   26:43.5  8:37 
    286   220 Quinn Crawley            10   M Indianapolis       IN  46 199   26:44.1  8:37 
    287   851 Andrew Pritz             33   M Fishers            IN  10 200   26:44.8  8:37 
    288  1209 Pranoti Pradhan          24   F Fishers            IN   9  88   26:46.6  8:38 
    289   849 Sam Pridemore            13   M Fishers            IN  47 201   26:47.1  8:38 
    290  1103 Tammy Wans               45   F Fishers            IN  13  89   26:47.8  8:38 
    291   286 Valerie Erdman           35   F Rocky River        OH  10  90   26:48.6  8:38 
    292  1084 Carly Viars              13   F Fishers            IN  12  91   26:50.4  8:39 
    293   218 Luke Crawley             41   M Indianapolis       IN  20 202   26:51.4  8:39 
    294   187 John Compton             52   M Fishers            IN  13 203   26:52.3  8:39 
    295  1048 Maddie Swingle           15   F Fortville          IN  22  92   26:52.6  8:40 
    296   661 Olivia Moore             11   F Fishers            IN  13  93   26:56.1  8:41 
    297   769 Joe Offutt               12   M Arlington          VA  48 204   27:03.1  8:43 
    298   823 Monica Patterson         36   F Fishers            IN  11  94   27:04.7  8:43 
    299   284 Jordan Engelmann         16   F Fishers            IN  23  95   27:05.6  8:44 
    300   169 Sabine Clark             49   F Fishers            IN  14  96   27:06.3  8:44 
    301   384 Tamara Harris            49   F Fishers            IN  15  97   27:07.8  8:44 
    302   438 John Hugus               47   M Fishers            IN  20 205   27:08.1  8:44 
    303   905 Paige Rosenthall         25   F Fishers            IN   7  98   27:10.2  8:45 
    304   647 Brandon Miller           18   M Fishers            IN  54 206   27:11.6  8:46 
    305  1082 Jeremy Vessels           44   M Fishers            IN  21 207   27:13.2  8:46 
    306   195 Ryan Conrad              25   M Chicago            IL   6 208   27:13.7  8:46 
    307   194 Rod Conrad               62   M Indianapolis       IN   2 209   27:14.2  8:46 
    308  1234 Megan Whybra             25   F Lake Zurich        IL   8  99   27:14.5  8:47 
    309   262 April Dombrow            35   F Fishers            IN  12 100   27:15.5  8:47 
    310   264 Bentley Dombrow          16   M Fishers            IN  55 210   27:16.2  8:47 
    311   216 Mike Cox                 42   M Indianapolis       IN  22 211   27:16.3  8:47 
    312  1083 Adison Viars             16   F Fishers            IN  24 101   27:18.2  8:48 
    313   841 Maya Pratt               15   F Fishers            IN  25 102   27:19.6  8:48 
    314    48 Allie Belush             12   F Fishers            IN  14 103   27:20.0  8:48 
    315    49 Andrew Belush            41   M Fishers            IN  23 212   27:20.5  8:48 
    316   539 Luke Kraft               16   M Fishers            IN  56 213   27:23.8  8:50 
    317   333 Amanda Gillay            17   F Fishers            IN  26 104   27:24.8  8:50 
    318   334 Jake Gillay              19   M Fishers            IN  57 214   27:25.2  8:50 
    319   649 Casey Mockbee            22   M McCordsville       IN  10 215   27:25.2  8:50 
    320   462 Callen Johnson           11   M Noblesville        IN  49 216   27:29.0  8:51 
    321   299 Josh Fitzwater           14   M Fishers            IN  50 217   27:29.0  8:51 
    322  1153 Morgan Wright            11   F Noblesville        IN  15 105   27:34.8  8:53 
    323    76 Jackson Bolander         11   M Fishers            IN  51 218   27:35.6  8:53 
    324   231 Alyssa Damson            14   F Fishers            IN  16 106   27:35.7  8:53 
    325   866 Eduardo Ramos Utrera     44   M Fishers            IN  24 219   27:36.1  8:54 
    326   941 Lindsey Schiesser        42   F Fishers            IN  12 107   27:37.4  8:54 
    327  1191 Cole Nolting             18   M Fishers            IN  58 220   27:38.2  8:54 
    328   598 Jim Loew                 54   M Fishers            IN  14 221   27:40.3  8:55 
    329   320 Sarah Gastineau          12   F Fishers            IN  17 108   27:40.7  8:55 
    330  1241 Alan Angel               70   M Crown Point        IN   1 222   27:41.5  8:55 
    331   665 Hanna Mundy              29   F McCordsville       IN   9 109   27:42.2  8:55 
    332  1134 Karis Witte              20   F Fishers            IN  10 110   27:47.2  8:57 
    333   774 Ryan Oliver              24   M Fishers            IN  11 223   27:47.8  8:57 
    334  1133 Dan Witte                52   M Fishers            IN  15 224   27:47.9  8:57 
    335  1068 Brock Trusty             22   M Carmel             IN  12 225   27:49.6  8:58 
    336   440 Jay Hurford              64   M Fishers            IN   3 226   27:50.6  8:58 
    337   209 Chase Count              17   M Fishers            IN  59 227   27:51.0  8:58 
    338   615 Anthony Martin           11   M Noblesville        IN  52 228   27:55.2  9:00 
    339   614 Adriana Martin           15   F Noblesville        IN  27 111   27:55.7  9:00 
    340   481 Emily Joniec             40   F Fishers            IN  13 112   27:56.8  9:00 
    341   810 Chris Pagano             38   M Fishers            IN  13 229   27:57.1  9:00 
    342  1237 Jake Springer            24   M Fortville          IN  13 230   27:57.4  9:00 
    343   555 Grayson Lambert          17   M Fishers            IN  60 231   27:59.2  9:01 
    344  1038 Jennah Swanstrom         35   F Fishers            IN  13 113   28:00.7  9:01 
    345  1203 Tori Kalman              17   F Fishers            IN  28 114   28:05.3  9:03 
    346   206 Pedro Costa Aiala        29   M New York           NY   7 232   28:10.2  9:05 
    347   445 Todd Huston              47   M Fishers            IN  21 233   28:10.5  9:05 
    348   623 Elly McGuffog            26   F New York           NY  10 115   28:10.8  9:05 
    349   176 Katie Cochran            28   F Fishers            IN  11 116   28:11.2  9:05 
    350   444 Denise Huston            48   F Fishers            IN  16 117   28:12.6  9:05 
    351    38 Kellen Battershield       9   M Fishers            IN   8 234   28:13.3  9:05 
    352    36 Justin Battershield      42   M Fishers            IN  25 235   28:13.5  9:06 
    353   548 David Kutoloski          47   M Fisher             IN  22 236   28:14.3  9:06 
    354  1123 Dick Whicker             71   M Danville           IN   2 237   28:14.5  9:06 
    355    83 Samantha Borgert         15   F Fishers            IN  29 118   28:14.6  9:06 
    356  1255 Jack19 Willency          19   M Parker             CO  61 238   28:16.2  9:06 
    357   469 Cameron Jones            19   M Fishers            IN  62 239   28:17.7  9:07 
    358   311 Hallee Fritsch           21   F Appleton           WI  11 119   28:17.8  9:07 
    359   347 Todd Godleski            53   M Fishers            IN  16 240   28:18.7  9:07 
    360   252 Jeffrey Delozier         67   M McCordsville       IN   2 241   28:19.3  9:07 
    361   549 Lauren Kutoloski         11   F Fishers            IN  18 120   28:19.7  9:08 
    362   950 Richard Schroeder        59   M Fishers            IN   7 242   28:19.8  9:08 
    363   624 Neil McGuffog            59   M Carmel             IN   8 243   28:23.9  9:09 
    364    84 William Borgert          11   M Fishers            IN  53 244   28:25.4  9:09 
    365   391 Mark Hemker              46   M Fishers            IN  23 245   28:26.8  9:10 
    366  1107 Eric Watkins             42   M Fishers            IN  26 246   28:28.2  9:10 
    367  1112 Ben Weaver               13   M Fortville          IN  54 247   28:32.0  9:12 
    368   207 Carly Count              19   F Fishers            IN  30 121   28:36.0  9:13 
    369   210 Chloe Count              15   F Fishers            IN  31 122   28:36.0  9:13 
    370   565 Ethan Latta               7   M Fishers            IN   9 248   28:36.2  9:13 
    371    56 Evan Bishop              23   M Cicero             IN  14 249   28:38.0  9:13 
    372    28 Andrew Baldini           11   M Fishers            IN  55 250   28:38.7  9:14 
    373  1027 Rylee Stout              21   F Cicero             IN  12 123   28:39.6  9:14 
    374  1086 Freddy Villarruel        40   M Chesterton         IN  27 251   28:42.4  9:15 
    375  1163 Alexis Yoo               35   F Fishers            IN  14 124   28:42.5  9:15 
    376   883 Daniel Riego             40   M Fishers            IN  28 252   28:42.7  9:15 
    377   631 Logan McIntyre            4   M Milledgeville      GA  10 253   28:47.5  9:16 
    378   773 Laura Oliver             51   F Fishers            IN   5 125   28:50.0  9:17 
    379   259 Kim Dodge                39   F Fishers            IN  15 126   28:52.5  9:18 
    380   824 Todd Patterson           38   F Fishers            IN  16 127   28:53.3  9:18 
    381   949 Angie Schroeder          58   F Fishers            IN   1 128   28:55.5  9:19 
    382  1167 Penny Zakrzewski         47   F Fishers            IN  17 129   28:58.3  9:20 
    383   407 Cody Hill                 8   M Fishers            IN  11 254   29:00.3  9:21 
    384   464 Greta Johnson            14   F Noblesville        IN  19 130   29:01.0  9:21 
    385   306 Scott Fosler             50   M Fishers            IN  17 255   29:06.3  9:23 
    386  1119 Nicole Weldy             20   F Fishers            IN  13 131   29:07.2  9:23 
    387  1050 Ayisha Tahir             33   F Fortville          IN   4 132   29:07.6  9:23 
    388   912 Shad Roundy              41   M Fishers            IN  29 256   29:10.0  9:24 
    389   909 Amaya Roundy             12   F Fishers            IN  20 133   29:12.4  9:25 
    390  1176 Tim Niednagel            56   M Indianapolis       IN   9 257   29:12.5  9:25 
    391   338 Ashley Gillette          35   F McCordsville       IN  17 134   29:14.2  9:25 
    392  1211 Sanika Javeri            16   F Frankton           IN  32 135   29:15.9  9:26 
    393  1118 Kaitlyn Weldy            18   F Fishers            IN  33 136   29:16.3  9:26 
    394  1117 Janeen Weldy             47   F Fishers            IN  18 137   29:16.4  9:26 
    395   156 Emma Chase               17   F Fishers            IN  34 138   29:17.6  9:26 
    396   373 Lindsay Hall             34   F Fishers            IN   5 139   29:18.3  9:26 
    397   562 Brinley Latta            13   F Fishers            IN  21 140   29:18.8  9:27 
    398   583 Danine Leeper            47   F Indianapolis       IN  19 141   29:20.1  9:27 
    399   688 Elizabeth Nichwitz       52   F Fishers            IN   6 142   29:21.5  9:27 
    400   593 Jennifer Lewis           26   F Noblesville        IN  12 143   29:24.0  9:28 
    401   965 Makenna Selm             13   F Fishers            IN  22 144   29:24.5  9:28 
    402  1114 Haley Weaver             25   F Fishers            IN  13 145   29:25.0  9:29 
    403  1113 Cody Weaver              25   M Fishers            IN   8 258   29:26.1  9:29 
    404   607 Tony Lukac               42   M Fishers            IN  30 259   29:26.2  9:29 
    405   936 Daniel Schelling         29   M Noblesville        IN   9 260   29:26.4  9:29 
    406   968 Nealon Shah              13   M Fishers            IN  56 261   29:29.5  9:30 
    407   953 Anna Scott               10   F Fishers            IN  23 146   29:30.5  9:30 
    408   887 Grayson Riekhof          21   M Fisher             IN  15 262   29:30.5  9:30 
    409   257 Hannah Dodge             11   F Fishers            IN  24 147   29:31.5  9:31 
    410   118 Zachary Buckner          24   M Fishers            IN  16 263   29:31.8  9:31 
    411    40 Owen Battershield        11   M Fishers            IN  57 264   29:32.9  9:31 
    412   600 Abbie Lohman             19   F Fishers            IN  35 148   29:33.5  9:31 
    413   772 Kelsey Oliver            20   F Fishers            IN  14 149   29:35.0  9:32 
    414   667 Julie Mundy              61   F McCordsville       IN   1 150   29:36.4  9:32 
    415   952 Marisa Scofield          36   F Fishers            IN  18 151   29:37.9  9:33 
    416    60 Harrison Bledsoe         13   M Fishers            IN  58 265   29:39.1  9:33 
    417   378 Mira Hares               37   F Fishers            IN  19 152   29:40.3  9:33 
    418   298 Jen Fitzwater            45   F Fishers            IN  20 153   29:41.8  9:34 
    419   804 Abby Orme                11   F Fishers            IN  25 154   29:45.7  9:35 
    420   806 Emily Orme               16   F Fishers            IN  36 155   29:46.3  9:35 
    421   352 Josh Graham              33   M McCordsville       IN  11 266   29:48.5  9:36 
    422   353 Sarah Graham             33   F Indianapolis       IN   6 156   29:48.8  9:36 
    423    61 Morgan Bledsoe           11   F Fishers            IN  26 157   29:49.4  9:36 
    424   275 Brenton Dunnuck          10   M Noblesville        IN  59 267   29:50.2  9:37 
    425  1148 Hudson Wright             9   M Fortville          IN  12 268   29:51.8  9:37 
    426   393 Jacob Henderson          20   M Mesquite           TX  17 269   29:53.9  9:38 
    427    13 Rachel Anderson          49   F Noblesville        IN  21 158   29:55.7  9:38 
    428   217 Kai Crawley               8   M Indianapolis       IN  13 270   29:56.3  9:39 
    429   219 Megan Crawley            40   F Indianapolis       IN  14 159   29:58.5  9:39 
    430  1175 Sarah Niednagel          17   F Indianapolis       IN  37 160   29:58.6  9:39 
    431  1173 Ann Niednagel            54   F Indianapolis       IN   7 161   29:59.3  9:40 
    432   563 Claire Latta             10   F Fishers            IN  27 162   30:01.2  9:40 
    433   566 Justin Latta             42   M Fishers            IN  31 271   30:01.8  9:40 
    434    18 Vicky Andritsch          51   F Fishers            IN   8 163   30:04.8  9:41 
    435    14 Audrey Andritsch         19   F Fishers            IN  38 164   30:07.6  9:42 
    436   946 John Schneider           54   M Indianapolis       IN  18 272   30:08.7  9:43 
    437   605 Owen Lukac               11   M Fishers            IN  60 273   30:14.1  9:44 
    438   904 Claire Rosenthall        25   F Fishers            IN  14 165   30:15.4  9:45 
    439   925 Kevin Russell            47   M Fishers            IN  24 274   30:15.6  9:45 
    440   928 Cate Sabatine            38   F Indianapolis       IN  20 166   30:22.3  9:47 
    441   558 Matt Lange               34   M Chicago            IL  12 275   30:22.8  9:47 
    442   557 Laura Lange              32   F Chicago            IL   7 167   30:23.8  9:47 
    443   554 Adam Lambert             47   M Fishers            IN  25 276   30:24.8  9:48 
    444   551 Mia Lablonde              8   F Fishers            IN   2 168   30:25.3  9:48 
    445   816 Brian Patrick            55   M McCordsville       IN  10 277   30:26.1  9:48 
    446   895 Will Ritter               7   M Fishers            IN  14 278   30:26.1  9:48 
    447   550 John Lablonde            37   M Fishers            IN  14 279   30:26.3  9:48 
    448   894 Emily Ritter             38   F Fishers            IN  21 169   30:26.8  9:48 
    449   892 Adam Ritter              40   M Fishers            IN  32 280   30:27.4  9:49 
    450   529 Ryan Knudsen             10   M Granville          OH  61 281   30:30.8  9:50 
    451   843 Summer Pratt             21   F Fishers            IN  15 170   30:33.1  9:50 
    452  1201 Sean Kalman              51   M Fishers            IN  19 282   30:33.3  9:51 
    453   531 Sam Koetter              43   M Fishers            IN  33 283   30:34.3  9:51 
    454    59 Alan Bledsoe             43   M Fishers            IN  34 284   30:34.4  9:51 
    455   484 Jackson Joyce            11   M Fishers            IN  62 285   30:35.5  9:51 
    456  1197 Carol Offutt             55   F McCordsville       IN   2 171   30:37.9  9:52 
    457   990 Ella Sinn                12   F McCordsville       IN  28 172   30:40.2  9:53 
    458   472 Jaime Jones              42   F Fortville          IN  15 173   30:44.0  9:54 
    459  1200 Claudine Hiott           44   F McCordsville       IN  16 174   30:44.0  9:54 
    460   979 Anna Silver              12   F Fishers            IN  29 175   30:44.3  9:54 
    461   906 Damaris Rosich-Schwartz  44   F Fishers            IN  17 176   30:45.0  9:54 
    462  1199 Angelika Thompson        46   F Fortville          IN  22 177   30:46.0  9:55 
    463   929 Lisa Salazar             34   F Indianapolis       IN   8 178   30:47.1  9:55 
    464   641 Beth Meskis              53   F Fishers            IN   9 179   30:47.2  9:55 
    465    52 Harley Bertram           15   F Noblesville        IN  39 180   30:48.9  9:56 
    466   491 Lila Jutte                8   F McCordsville       IN   3 181   30:51.7  9:56 
    467   676 Breck Myers               8   M Fishers            IN  15 286   30:52.1  9:57 
    468   899 Madison Roeder           30   M McCordsville       IN  13 287   30:52.8  9:57 
    469  1254 Marc Willency            49   M Parker             CO  26 288   30:54.3  9:57 
    470   837 Traci Powers             43   F Fishers            IN  18 182   30:55.4  9:58 
    471   677 Jason Myers              41   M Fishers            IN  35 289   30:56.3  9:58 
    472   578 Sarah Leddon             26   F Naperville         IL  15 183   30:57.6  9:58 
    473   496 Drake Kane               11   M Fishers            IN  63 290   31:01.9 10:00 
    474   885 Dylan Riego              11   M Fishers            IN  64 291   31:07.9 10:02 
    475   272 Jack Ducey                8   M Fishers            IN  16 292   31:09.9 10:02 
    476   577 Matt Leath               48   M Fishers            IN  27 293   31:10.5 10:03 
    477   576 Jennifer Leath           45   F Fishers            IN  23 184   31:11.4 10:03 
    478   121 Isabella Bullington      13   F Mokena             IL  30 185   31:11.5 10:03 
    479   140 Aaron Carman             40   M Indianapolis       IN  36 294   31:14.2 10:04 
    480   345 Chris Godleski           15   M Fishers            IN  63 295   31:18.4 10:05 
    481   645 Rebecca Meskis           46   F Boulder            CO  24 186   31:22.0 10:06 
    482   419 Robert Holt              57   M Fishers            IN  11 296   31:25.8 10:07 
    483  1172 Makenna Nickens          15   F Fishers            IN  40 187   31:27.1 10:08 
    484  1157 Elias Yarling            18   M Fishers            IN  64 297   31:28.4 10:08 
    485  1158 Merrill Yarling          53   M Fishers            IN  20 298   31:29.1 10:09 
    486   238 Matthew Davidson          9   M Fishers            IN  17 299   31:29.7 10:09 
    487   113 Ben Buckner              20   M Fishers            IN  18 300   31:32.4 10:10 
    488   239 Audrey Davis             20   F Noblesville        IN  16 188   31:34.8 10:10 
    489  1150 Jeff Wright              39   M Fortville          IN  15 301   31:36.1 10:11 
    490   898 Tara Robbins             44   F Fishers            IN  19 189   31:36.3 10:11 
    491   490 Carson Jutte             11   M McCordsville       IN  65 302   31:43.5 10:13 
    492   303 Kinsey Forston           35   F McCordsville       IN  22 190   31:43.6 10:13 
    493    30 Matthew Baldini          40   M Fishers            IN  37 303   31:45.0 10:14 
    494   120 Bryan Bullington         13   M Mokena             IL  66 304   31:50.2 10:15 
    495   122 Jack Bullington          10   M Mokena             IL  67 305   31:50.6 10:15 
    496  1110 Sydney Watkins           42   F Fishers            IN  20 191   31:51.0 10:16 
    497  1127 Stephanie Williams       35   F Fishers            IN  23 192   31:51.0 10:16 
    498  1242 Jeff Sanford             36   M Greenwood          IN  16 306   31:51.5 10:16 
    499   473 Jennifer Jones           43   F Fishers            IN  21 193   31:55.7 10:17 
    500  1046 Sherry Sweetland         49   F McCordsville       IN  25 194   31:57.0 10:18 
    501   344 Laura Ginn               36   F Fishers            IN  24 195   31:57.5 10:18 
    502   443 Dana Huston              52   F Fishers            IN  10 196   31:58.1 10:18 
    503   116 Pete Buckner             21   M Fishers            IN  19 307   31:58.1 10:18 
    504  1164 Joshua Young             46   M Noblesville        IN  28 308   32:00.1 10:18 
    505   294 Brooke Fitzpatrick       13   F Fishers            IN  31 197   32:04.5 10:20 
    506   853 Jason Pulliam            50   M Fishers            IN  21 309   32:05.2 10:20 
    507  1183 Ben Cooper               12   M McCordsville       IN  68 310   32:07.8 10:21 
    508   213 Charleston Cox           12   M McCordsville       IN  69 311   32:07.9 10:21 
    509  1192 Bryce Robertson          18   M Fishers            IN  65 312   32:08.2 10:21 
    510  1188 Vivian Wilson            17   F Fishers            IN  41 198   32:08.3 10:21 
    511  1198 Nicole Thomas            48   F Fishers            IN  26 199   32:13.6 10:23 
    512   833 Cobi Piper               25   M Indianapolis       IN  10 313   32:15.6 10:23 
    513  1062 Caroline Toon            23   F Indianapolis       IN  17 200   32:15.9 10:24 
    514   114 Joe Buckner              21   M Fishers            IN  20 314   32:16.6 10:24 
    515   564 Danielle Latta           39   F Fishers            IN  25 201   32:20.9 10:25 
    516   487 William Joyce             8   M Fishers            IN  18 315   32:22.0 10:26 
    517   486 Matt Joyce               41   M Fishers            IN  38 316   32:22.4 10:26 
    518   881 Caroline Riebe           18   F Fishers            IN  42 202   32:23.6 10:26 
    519   882 Claire Riebe             12   F Fishers            IN  32 203   32:23.8 10:26 
    520   993 Alex Sivertson           19   M Fishers            IN  66 317   32:28.5 10:28 
    521   997 Sydney Sivertson         24   F Fishers            IN  18 204   32:28.5 10:28 
    522   364 Ethan Gullett             9   M Fishers            IN  19 318   32:28.6 10:28 
    523   461 Brandon Johnson          45   M Noblesville        IN  29 319   32:29.4 10:28 
    524   996 Lily Sivertson           14   F Fishers            IN  33 205   32:29.5 10:28 
    525   465 Michelle Johnson         44   F Noblesville        IN  22 206   32:31.1 10:28 
    526   900 Kayla Romano             28   F Fishers            IN  16 207   32:31.7 10:29 
    527    20 Tripp Babbitt            59   M Fishers            IN  12 320   32:32.1 10:29 
    528   663 Ben Morford              25   M Noblesville        IN  11 321   32:34.3 10:30 
    529  1124 Meghan White             36   F Fishers            IN  26 208   32:53.8 10:36 
    530   657 Julia Momper             19   F Fishers            IN  43 209   32:54.5 10:36 
    531   293 Karen Fitchett           57   F Kennett Square     VA   3 210   32:54.9 10:36 
    532   157 Jenna Chase              13   F Fishers            IN  34 211   32:55.2 10:36 
    533  1101 Norah Wans               14   F Fishers            IN  35 212   32:55.5 10:36 
    534   292 Curt Fitchett            45   M Kennett Square     VA  30 322   32:56.3 10:37 
    535  1244 Susan Rose               49   F Fishers            IN  27 213   32:57.4 10:37 
    536    77 Janice Bolander          42   F Fishers            IN  23 214   32:58.3 10:37 
    537   536 Rene Kougel              48   F Fishers            IN  28 215   32:58.4 10:37 
    538   158 Pam Chemelewski          51   F Fishers            IN  11 216   33:02.2 10:38 
    539  1143 Staci Woods              34   F Fishers            IN   9 217   33:06.7 10:40 
    540   232 Emily Damson             45   F Fishers            IN  29 218   33:07.2 10:40 
    541   963 Aubrey Selm              10   F Fishers            IN  36 219   33:07.6 10:40 
    542   966 Scott Selm               42   M Fishers            IN  39 323   33:07.7 10:40 
    543  1169 Mike Zimmerman           57   M Fishers            IN  13 324   33:09.1 10:41 
    544  1142 Nate Woods               34   M Fishers            IN  14 325   33:10.7 10:41 
    545   808 Tyler Ozbun              32   M Fishers            IN  15 326   33:17.9 10:44 
    546  1232 Mary Whybra              61   F Lake Zurich        IL   2 220   33:18.4 10:44 
    547   658 Sam Momper               17   M Fishers            IN  67 327   33:19.0 10:44 
    548   687 Amy Newquist             49   F Fishers            IN  30 221   33:21.2 10:45 
    549   151 Evan Casey               46   M Fishers            IN  31 328   33:22.9 10:45 
    550   951 Becca Schwartz           41   F Fishers            IN  24 222   33:23.1 10:45 
    551   956 Chad Scott               41   M Fishers            IN  40 329   33:23.2 10:45 
    552   957 Maggie Scott              9   F Fishers            IN   4 223   33:23.6 10:45 
    553  1210 Shreya Mohandas          24   F Fishers            IN  19 224   33:25.7 10:46 
    554   325 Jeff Gayle               54   M Pendleton          IN  22 330   33:29.0 10:47 
    555   135 Hannah Calvin            23   F Fortville          IN  20 225   33:32.6 10:48 
    556   234 Tyler Damson             12   M Fishers            IN  70 331   33:33.0 10:48 
    557   673 Aimee Myers              44   F Fortville          IN  25 226   33:34.6 10:49 
    558    41 Jason Bauerle            14   M Sheridan           IN  71 332   33:38.0 10:50 
    559  1126 Sean Williams            36   M Fishers            IN  17 333   33:41.6 10:51 
    560   236 Andrew Davidson           7   M Fishers            IN  20 334   33:42.6 10:51 
    561  1174 Jack Niednagel           23   M Indianapolis       IN  21 335   33:42.7 10:52 
    562   625 Christy McIntosh         44   F Fishers            IN  26 227   33:43.4 10:52 
    563  1085 Stacey Viars             49   F Fishers            IN  31 228   33:44.4 10:52 
    564    39 Natalie Battershield     40   F Fishers            IN  27 229   33:44.5 10:52 
    565   246 Todd Davis               54   M Noblesville        IN  23 336   33:45.3 10:52 
    566  1132 Jesse Winger             36   M Fishers            IN  18 337   33:47.5 10:53 
    567   450 Charlotte Isaacs          9   F Westfield          IN   5 230   33:47.6 10:53 
    568  1131 Christine Winger         34   F Fishers            IN  10 231   33:48.8 10:53 
    569   434 Anne Hughes              43   F O'Fallon           IL  28 232   33:52.3 10:55 
    570   435 Jarod Hughes             46   M O'Fallon           IL  32 338   33:53.5 10:55 
    571   381 Molly Harris             16   F Fishers            IN  44 233   33:54.4 10:55 
    572   382 Morgan Harris            21   F Fishers            IN  21 234   33:55.4 10:56 
    573   923 Claire Russell           13   F Fishers            IN  37 235   33:55.6 10:56 
    574   525 Lauren Knudsen           12   F Granville          OH  38 236   33:56.5 10:56 
    575   528 Rachel Knudsen           21   F Granville          OH  22 237   33:58.0 10:56 
    576   535 Dale Kougel              48   M Fishers            IN  33 339   33:59.3 10:57 
    577   632 William McKenna          55   M Fishers            IN  14 340   34:00.9 10:57 
    578    42 Jill Bauerle             40   F Sheridan           IN  29 238   34:02.7 10:58 
    579  1189 Charlotte Wilson         14   F Fishers            IN  39 239   34:04.9 10:59 
    580   269 Wes Drake                12   M Indianapolis       IN  72 341   34:06.2 10:59 
    581   992 Michael Sipos            54   M Fortville          IN  24 342   34:07.0 10:59 
    582   266 Eleni Drake              38   F Indianapolis       IN  27 240   34:10.3 11:00 
    583   830 Deon Phillips            13   M Noblesville        IN  73 343   34:11.4 11:01 
    584    69 Spencer Blom              7   M Fortville          IN  21 344   34:13.8 11:02 
    585    70 Tim Blom                 43   M Fishers            IN  41 345   34:14.2 11:02 
    586   569 Charlotte Lawrence       10   F Fishers            IN  40 241   34:14.3 11:02 
    587   570 Tim Lawrence             40   M Fishers            IN  42 346   34:15.9 11:02 
    588   405 Cheryl Higgins           53   F Fishers            IN  12 242   34:29.8 11:07 
    589   432 Danielle Hudnut          34   F Fishers            IN  11 243   34:30.6 11:07 
    590   430 Jaclyn Hubbard           52   F Fishers            IN  13 244   34:31.8 11:07 
    591   365 Lindsey Gullett          37   F Fishers            IN  28 245   34:32.3 11:07 
    592   111 Heather Bruns            44   F Fishers            IN  30 246   34:32.6 11:08 
    593   931 Blair Satterfield        12   F Fishers            IN  41 247   34:32.6 11:08 
    594  1041 Kent Sweeney             53   M Fishers            IN  25 347   34:33.0 11:08 
    595   141 Braden Carman             9   M Indianapolis       IN  22 348   34:34.0 11:08 
    596  1040 Julie Sweeney            52   F Fishers            IN  14 248   34:34.0 11:08 
    597  1181 Dylan Cooper             44   M McCordsville       IN  43 349   34:34.8 11:08 
    598  1115 Maddy Weaver             17   F Fortville          IN  45 249   34:35.5 11:08 
    599  1116 Mike Weaver              56   M Fortville          IN  15 350   34:35.7 11:09 
    600  1182 Henry Cooper             10   M McCordsville       IN  74 351   34:36.0 11:09 
    601   948 Terrance Schneider       55   M Indianapolis       IN  16 352   34:38.5 11:09 
    602   865 Svitlana Ramer           32   F Carmel             IN  12 250   34:39.3 11:10 
    603   163 Kimberlee Chilcote       42   F Fishers            IN  31 251   34:41.4 11:10 
    604   285 Nicholas Erdman          35   M Rocky River        OH  19 353   34:45.4 11:12 
    605   188 Ayla Conn                 9   F Fishers            IN   6 252   34:52.5 11:14 
    606  1005 Matthew Smith            19   M Fishers            IN  68 354   34:53.3 11:14 
    607   190 Michael Conn             43   M Fishers            IN  44 355   34:54.0 11:14 
    608   131 Erin Butler              41   F Fishers            IN  32 253   34:56.6 11:15 
    609   638 Tyler Mendenhall         44   M Brownsburg         IN  45 356   34:57.0 11:15 
    610   976 Amy Shipley              45   F McCordsville       IN  32 254   35:03.6 11:18 
    611   142 Kelly Carman             38   F Beech Grove        IN  29 255   35:10.2 11:20 
    612   832 Frank Phillips           55   M Noblesville        IN  17 357   35:12.4 11:20 
    613    21 Allynn Baker             44   F Fishers            IN  33 256   35:15.6 11:21 
    614   686 Will Newport             10   M Fishers            IN  75 358   35:21.5 11:23 
    615   683 Amy Newport              38   F Fishers            IN  30 257   35:23.7 11:24 
    616    25 Dyllan Baker             14   F Fishers            IN  42 258   35:30.9 11:26 
    617  1196 Allie Jones              10   F Fortville          IN  43 259   35:31.1 11:26 
    618   297 Tom Fitzpatrick          49   M Fishers            IN  34 359   35:32.2 11:27 
    619   295 Ellie Fitzpatrick        15   F Fishers            IN  46 260   35:32.7 11:27 
    620   406 Angie Hill               46   F Fishers            IN  33 261   35:33.4 11:27 
    621  1032 Riley Stuber             17   M Fishers            IN  69 360   35:35.9 11:28 
    622  1031 Mary Ellen Stuber        43   F Fishers            IN  34 262   35:36.4 11:28 
    623   296 Jena Fitzpatrick         48   F Fortville          IN  34 263   35:37.5 11:28 
    624   660 Katherine Moore          44   F Fishers            IN  35 264   35:38.5 11:29 
    625   591 Roxanne Legge            17   F Indianapolis       IN  47 265   35:41.8 11:30 
    626   589 Kathleen Legge           49   F Indianapolis       IN  35 266   35:43.3 11:30 
    627  1054 Cory Teurman             38   M Noblesville        IN  20 361   35:45.7 11:31 
    628  1223 Katie Kirkhoff           50   F Fortville          IN  15 267   35:46.3 11:31 
    629   412 Emilia Hobbs              8   F Fishers            IN   7 268   35:49.1 11:32 
    630   414 Maria Hobbs              47   F Fishers            IN  36 269   35:49.2 11:32 
    631   926 Lauren Russell           12   F Fishers            IN  44 270   35:57.4 11:35 
    632   278 Julianne Dunnuck         42   F Noblesville        IN  36 271   36:00.3 11:36 
    633  1069 Hannah Trusty            23   F Carmel             IN  23 272   36:01.1 11:36 
    634   961 Leah Ann Self            50   F Noblesville        IN  16 273   36:01.7 11:36 
    635   250 Gracie Dean              11   F Fishers            IN  45 274   36:05.0 11:37 
    636   251 Matt Dean                39   M Fishers            IN  21 362   36:06.0 11:38 
    637    15 Ava Andritsch            13   F Fishers            IN  46 275   36:06.2 11:38 
    638   380 Jon Harris               42   M Fishers            IN  46 363   36:06.8 11:38 
    639   855 Katy Quay                55   F Fishers            IN   4 276   36:08.9 11:39 
    640    23 Danyon Baker              7   M Fishers            IN  23 364   36:09.1 11:39 
    641    22 Daniel Baker             44   M Fishers            IN  47 365   36:09.3 11:39 
    642   453 Lincoln Isaacs            8   M Westfield          IN  24 366   36:10.6 11:39 
    643   452 Lauren Isaacs            41   F Westfield          IN  37 277   36:10.7 11:39 
    644   330 Kevin Geary              59   M Fishers            IN  18 367   36:18.2 11:42 
    645   890 Michael Riekhof          54   M Fishers            IN  26 368   36:21.0 11:42 
    646   559 Jennifer Langhans        41   F Fishers            IN  38 278   36:25.7 11:44 
    647  1071 Jeff Tuckis              43   M Fishers            IN  48 369   36:34.9 11:47 
    648   648 Jennifer Mitchell        53   F Fishers            IN  17 279   36:37.6 11:48 
    649  1037 Troy Summers             57   M Fishers            IN  19 370   36:38.9 11:48 
    650   902 Rylee Ronna              12   F West Paducah       KY  47 280   36:45.9 11:50 
    651   934 Kylee Scarlett           17   F Fishers            IN  48 281   36:50.6 11:52 
    652   415 Sophia Hobbs             13   F Fishers            IN  48 282   36:51.0 11:52 
    653  1029 Emma Stuber              17   F Fishers            IN  49 283   36:52.6 11:53 
    654   606 Renae Lukac              41   F Fishers            IN  39 284   36:53.1 11:53 
    655    10 Jarrad Amick             44   M Indianapolis       IN  49 371   36:58.8 11:55 
    656  1076 Emily Veigel             17   F Indianapolis       IN  50 285   36:59.1 11:55 
    657  1030 Jamie Stuber             44   M Fishers            IN  50 372   36:59.7 11:55 
    658  1077 Megan Veigel             44   F Indianapolis       IN  40 286   37:00.3 11:55 
    659   441 Wendy Hurford            63   F Fishers            IN   3 287   37:04.4 11:56 
    660   534 Tyler Koetter             9   M Fishers            IN  25 373   37:07.0 11:57 
    661  1028 Claire Stuber            12   F Fishers            IN  49 288   37:09.5 11:58 
    662   214 Julia Cox                14   F McCordsville       IN  50 289   37:11.0 11:59 
    663   768 Hannah Offutt            14   F Arlington          VA  51 290   37:12.5 11:59 
    664   532 Shellie Koetter          42   F Fishers            IN  41 291   37:12.6 11:59 
    665   502 Drew Kelley              28   M McCordsville       IN  12 374   37:19.4 12:01 
    666   501 Brenna Kelley            21   F Indianapolis       IN  24 292   37:21.4 12:02 
    667    67 Paul Blom                33   M Fortville          IN  16 375   37:22.4 12:02 
    668   177 William Cochran          32   M Fishers            IN  17 376   37:26.5 12:04 
    669   681 Beth Neidlinger          70   F Fishers            IN   1 293   37:28.4 12:04 
    670   572 Chase Layher              9   M Fishers            IN  26 377   37:31.5 12:05 
    671   761 Emily Obear              22   F Fishers            IN  25 294   37:32.3 12:05 
    672   575 Abigail Leath            20   F Fishers            IN  26 295   37:33.2 12:06 
    673   640 Megan Merryman           18   M Fishers            IN  70 378   37:41.7 12:08 
    674   507 Gwen Kennedy             17   F White / Caucasian  IN  51 296   37:41.8 12:08 
    675   279 Keira Dunnuck             9   F Noblesville        IN   8 297   37:52.7 12:12 
    676  1051 Caroline Tate            10   F Fishers            IN  52 298   37:53.3 12:12 
    677  1052 Dayne Tate               47   M Fishers            IN  35 379   37:53.3 12:12 
    678    31 Sarah Baldini            40   F Fishers            IN  42 299   37:55.2 12:13 
    679   573 Michael Layher           48   M Fishers            IN  36 380   37:55.3 12:13 
    680    29 Maren Baldini             7   F Fishers            IN   9 300   37:56.4 12:13 
    681   402 Lee Hicks                59   F Naperville         IL   5 301   37:59.7 12:14 
    682  1053 Holly Tate               51   F Fishers            IN  18 302   38:00.2 12:14 
    683    33 McKayla Barber           23   F Fishers            IN  27 303   38:08.7 12:17 
    684    34 McKenize Barber          23   F Fishers            IN  28 304   38:09.6 12:17 
    685    58 Casie Blair              24   F Fishers            IN  29 305   38:13.3 12:19 
    686   307 John Freed               39   M Noblesville        IN  22 381   38:16.6 12:20 
    687   227 Ella Crowhurst           24   F West Des Moines    IA  30 306   38:19.7 12:21 
    688   560 Kirstin Larsen           34   F Fishers            IN  13 307   38:19.7 12:21 
    689  1125 Michael White            73   M Fishers            IN   3 382   38:19.9 12:21 
    690   922 Caitlyn Russell          18   F Fishers            IN  52 308   38:26.4 12:23 
    691   924 Emily Russell            17   F Fishers            IN  53 309   38:26.6 12:23 
    692   277 Jay Dunnuck              43   M Noblesville        IN  51 383   38:34.0 12:25 
    693   489 Sydney Jung              14   F Fishers            IN  53 310   38:37.2 12:26 
    694   488 Ryan Jung                46   M Fishers            IN  37 384   38:38.7 12:27 
    695   875 Tony Ratliff             51   M Fishers            IN  27 385   38:39.1 12:27 
    696   888 Jessy Riekhof            26   F Fisher             IN  17 311   38:43.0 12:28 
    697   611 Bill Marquardt           50   M Fishers            IN  28 386   38:43.3 12:28 
    698   610 Ava Marquardt            18   F Fishers            IN  54 312   38:43.5 12:28 
    699    43 Melody Baughman          56   F Fishers            IN   6 313   38:54.2 12:32 
    700    98 Abigail Brinker          21   F Fishers            IN  31 314   38:55.2 12:32 
    701   326 Sue Gayle                51   F Pendleton          IN  19 315   38:55.7 12:32 
    702   845 Benjamin Price            6   M Fishers            IN  27 387   39:00.0 12:34 
    703   848 Nathan Price             38   M Fishers            IN  23 388   39:01.0 12:34 
    704   846 Maggie Price             37   F Fishers            IN  31 316   39:01.1 12:34 
    705   516 Erin King                20   F Fishers            IN  32 317   39:04.4 12:35 
    706   617 Mark Marzke              20   M Fishers            IN  22 389   39:04.7 12:35 
    707   989 Troy Simpson             53   M Fishers            IN  29 390   39:06.0 12:36 
    708   988 Kaylan Simpson           21   F Fishers            IN  33 318   39:06.5 12:36 
    709   877 Adriann Rhoades          35   F Fishers            IN  32 319   39:07.4 12:36 
    710   967 Mila Shah                12   F Fishers            IN  54 320   39:09.5 12:37 
    711    65 Makenzie Blom            11   F Fortville          IN  55 321   39:10.6 12:37 
    712   508 Aaron Kenny               8   M Fishers            IN  28 391   39:20.3 12:40 
    713   515 Brian King               56   M Fishers            IN  20 392   39:25.5 12:42 
    714   517 Jo Ellen King            51   F Fishers            IN  20 322   39:27.1 12:42 
    715   485 Kimberly Joyce           39   F Fishers            IN  33 323   39:28.0 12:43 
    716   891 Mitzi Riekhof            52   F Fishers            IN  21 324   39:29.3 12:43 
    717   215 Lillian Cox              16   F McCordsville       IN  55 325   39:37.4 12:46 
    718  1194 Annie Cushman            16   F McCordsville       IN  56 326   39:37.7 12:46 
    719    88 Gabbi Boyd               25   F Chicago            IL  18 327   39:38.8 12:46 
    720   197 Lauren Cooper            28   F Indianapolis       IN  19 328   39:42.5 12:47 
    721  1004 Lisa Smith               55   F Newpalestine       IN   7 329   39:51.9 12:50 
    722   947 Karen Schneider          55   F Indianapolis       IN   8 330   39:53.9 12:51 
    723  1093 Tony Walker              48   M Westfield          IN  38 393   39:55.1 12:51 
    724   243 Megan Davis              52   F Noblesville        IN  22 331   40:05.8 12:55 
    725  1095 Micah Walls              29   M Lapel              IN  13 394   40:12.8 12:57 
    726   901 Jason Ronna              48   M West Paducah       KY  39 395   40:15.2 12:58 
    727   908 Allison Roundy           39   F Fishers            IN  34 332   40:21.8 13:00 
    728   608 Rachel Lynch             17   F Fishers            IN  57 333   40:23.1 13:00 
    729   910 Dashle Roundy            99   M Fortville          IN   2 396   40:23.6 13:01 
    730    95 Juliet Bright             9   F Indianapolis       IN  10 334   40:25.8 13:01 
    731    96 Kimberly Bright          42   F Indianapolis       IN  43 335   40:26.4 13:01 
    732    97 Tessa Bright              7   F Indianapolis       IN  11 336   40:26.6 13:02 
    733   367 Priscilla Gunn           56   F Indianapolis       IN   9 337   40:37.0 13:05 
    734   126 Colin Burns               7   M Fishers            IN  29 397   40:38.9 13:05 
    735  1006 Nathaniel Smith          25   M Fishers            IN  14 398   40:40.8 13:06 
    736   580 Caleb Lee                 5   M Fishers            IN  30 399   40:47.1 13:08 
    737   128 Nicholas Burns           38   M Fishers            IN  24 400   40:47.8 13:08 
    738   359 Catherine Grumish        14   F Champaign          IL  56 338   40:51.9 13:10 
    739  1236 Matt Whybra              55   M Lake Zurich        IL  21 401   40:54.2 13:10 
    740   971 Melissa Shelly           51   F Fishers            IN  23 339   40:59.6 13:12 
    741   127 Jenna Burns               5   F Fishers            IN  12 340   41:04.5 13:14 
    742   125 Cara Burns               38   F Fishers            IN  35 341   41:05.2 13:14 
    743  1151 Landon Wright             8   M Fishers            IN  31 402   41:12.8 13:16 
    744  1149 Jackson Wright           17   M Fishers            IN  71 403   41:15.4 13:17 
    745   456 Lee Jackson              64   M Fishers            IN   4 404   41:15.4 13:17 
    746   145 Meri Carnahan            46   F Fishers            IN  37 342   41:24.0 13:20 
    747   144 Bob Carnahan             52   M Fishers            IN  30 405   41:24.6 13:20 
    748   814 Noah Parris               7   M Fishers            IN  32 406   41:29.8 13:22 
    749   813 Derika Parris            35   F Fishers            IN  36 343   41:30.5 13:22 
    750   413 Jeremy Hobbs             48   M Fishers            IN  40 407   41:46.4 13:27 
    751   620 Amy McClellan            37   F Indianapolis       IN  37 344   42:01.6 13:32 
    752  1207 Prasad Paradkar          43   M Fishers            IN  52 408   42:03.6 13:33 
    753  1208 Priyanka Paradkar        14   F Fishers            IN  57 345   42:03.7 13:33 
    754  1058 Lets Thimlar             64   M Fishers            IN   5 409   42:12.5 13:36 
    755   448 Kasey Iglio              12   F Fishers            IN  58 346   42:18.3 13:37 
    756   664 Bob Multra               76   M Fishers            IN   1 410   42:21.2 13:38 
    757   842 Quincy Pratt             11   M Fishers            IN  76 411   42:30.6 13:41 
    758   685 Ben Newport               8   M Fishers            IN  33 412   42:32.8 13:42 
    759   684 Andrew Newport           38   M Fishers            IN  25 413   42:33.3 13:42 
    760  1109 Riley Watkins            14   F Fishers            IN  59 347   42:35.3 13:43 
    761   106 Kai Broviak              12   F Fishers            IN  60 348   42:35.3 13:43 
    762  1108 Jennifer Watkins         42   F Fishers            IN  44 349   42:35.7 13:43 
    763  1091 Mason Wagner              7   M Fishers            IN  34 414   42:36.0 13:43 
    764  1089 Kayla Wagner             25   F Fishers            IN  20 350   42:36.0 13:43 
    765   579 Amber Lee                32   F Fishers            IN  14 351   42:38.5 13:44 
    766   859 Kirk Radcliffe           14   M Indianapolis       IN  77 415   42:43.7 13:46 
    767   815 Keeshan Patel            27   M Fishers            IN  15 416   42:43.9 13:46 
    768   857 Nana Quay-Smith          57   F Fishers            IN  10 352   42:44.6 13:46 
    769   208 Cassidy Count            21   F Fishers            IN  34 353   42:45.3 13:46 
    770   211 Erin Count               50   F Fishers            IN  24 354   42:45.9 13:46 
    771   237 Dan Davidson             44   M Fishers            IN  53 417   42:47.7 13:47 
    772   969 Sneha Shah               43   F Fishers            IN  45 355   42:49.0 13:47 
    773   970 Sundesh Shah             42   M Fishers            IN  54 418   42:49.5 13:48 
    774  1063 Sally Toon               58   F Indianapolis       IN  11 356   43:00.3 13:51 
    775   770 Tony Offutt              64   M Arlington          VA   6 419   43:05.7 13:53 
    776   544 Kimberly Kuhn            54   F Fishers            IN  25 357   43:07.8 13:53 
    777    63 Jason Blom               38   M Milledgeville      GA  26 420   43:08.4 13:54 
    778  1090 Kermit Wagner            55   M Fishers            IN  22 421   43:18.8 13:57 
    779   653 Brian Mohr               46   M Fishers            IN  41 422   43:19.7 13:57 
    780   838 Aimee Pratt              48   F Fishers            IN  38 358   43:21.2 13:58 
    781   654 Hailey Mohr              14   F Fishers            IN  61 359   43:23.2 13:58 
    782  1010 Angela Somers            51   F Fishers            IN  26 360   43:26.5 13:59 
    783    19 Kelly Babbitt            57   F Fishers            IN  12 361   43:28.6 14:00 
    784  1253 Tammy Embry              48   F Fishers            IN  39 362   43:39.0 14:03 
    785  1252 Holden Embry             13   M Fishers            IN  78 423   43:39.2 14:03 
    786   601 Meghan Lowry             49   F Fishers            IN  40 363   43:41.4 14:04 
    787   985 Debra Simmons            55   F Fishers            IN  13 364   43:45.7 14:06 
    788   987 Tom Simmons              19   M Fishers            IN  72 424   43:46.2 14:06 
    789   659 Finley Moore              8   F Fishers            IN  13 365   43:48.3 14:06 
    790   863 Zac Radcliffe             9   M Indianapolis       IN  35 425   43:50.4 14:07 
    791   271 Claire Ducey             11   F Fishers            IN  62 366   43:52.0 14:08 
    792   860 Lora Radcliffe           40   F Indianapolis       IN  46 367   43:53.1 14:08 
    793   662 William Moore            44   M Fishers            IN  55 426   43:53.1 14:08 
    794  1094 Laura Walls              26   F Lapel              IN  21 368   43:53.6 14:08 
    795   139 Olivia Capuano           17   F Fishers            IN  58 369   43:59.4 14:10 
    796   376 Jennifer Hansen          50   F Fort Wayne         IN  27 370   44:02.3 14:11 
    797   878 Hayden Rhoades           10   F Fishers            IN  63 371   44:08.9 14:13 
    798   581 David Lee                50   M Fishers            IN  31 427   44:09.2 14:13 
    799   567 Jane Lavey               50   F Fishers            IN  28 372   44:10.3 14:14 
    800   861 Matt Radcliffe           40   M Indianapolis       IN  56 428   44:10.4 14:14 
    801   387 Mike Haven               45   M Fishers            IN  42 429   44:12.6 14:14 
    802   862 Rebecca Radcliffe        10   F Indianapolis       IN  64 373   44:13.8 14:15 
    803    55 Sara Billhymer           39   F Arcadia            IN  38 374   44:29.0 14:20 
    804   178 Cameron Colbert          30   M Fishers            IN  18 430   44:32.7 14:21 
    805   505 Walter Kelly             71   M Fishers            IN   4 431   44:38.3 14:23 
    806   503 Kevin Kelly              49   M Fishers            IN  43 432   44:38.9 14:23 
    807   179 Chelsie Colbert          30   F Fishers            IN  15 375   44:46.1 14:25 
    808   994 Chad Sivertson           54   M Fishers            IN  32 433   44:54.4 14:28 
    809   255 Tracy Doane              58   F Greenwood          IN  14 376   44:58.9 14:29 
    810   767 Carol Offutt             55   F Arlington          VA  15 377   45:06.1 14:31 
    811    71 Dillon Bockhorst          7   F Fishers            IN  14 378   45:07.5 14:32 
    812   235 Charles Danielsson       35   M Fishers            IN  27 434   45:14.2 14:34 
    813  1092 Maureen Walker           52   F Westfield          IN  29 379   45:14.2 14:34 
    814  1145 Andrea Wright            38   F Fortville          IN  39 380   45:14.9 14:34 
    815    72 Lindsey Bockhorst        36   F Fishers            IN  40 381   45:15.3 14:34 
    816   927 Lynn Russell             49   F Fishers            IN  41 382   45:15.3 14:34 
    817   433 Joe Huffman              44   M Fishers            IN  57 435   45:16.1 14:35 
    818  1128 Jackie Wilson            49   F Fishers            IN  42 383   45:16.4 14:35 
    819    74 Payton Bockhorst          5   F Fishers            IN  15 384   45:17.7 14:35 
    820   362 Scott Grumish            48   M Champaign          IL  44 436   45:19.9 14:36 
    821   273 Monica Ducey             38   F Fishers            IN  41 385   45:23.2 14:37 
    822   340 Chris Gilmet             48   M Pendleton          IN  45 437   45:23.4 14:37 
    823  1186 Jennifer Wilson          47   F Fishers            IN  43 386   45:28.4 14:39 
    824   556 Beverly Landis           79   F Fishers            IN   1 387   45:29.5 14:39 
    825  1187 Audrey Wilson            19   F Fishers            IN  59 388   45:35.6 14:41 
    826   574 Shonna Layher            49   F Fishers            IN  44 389   45:37.5 14:42 
    827   475 Joshua Jones             33   M Fortville          IN  19 438   45:49.2 14:45 
    828  1225 Laura Perlman            56   F Fortville          IN  16 390   46:01.0 14:49 
    829   355 Kimberly Greulich        33   F Fishers            IN  16 391   46:01.6 14:49 
    830   584 Hanna Lefevers           19   F Beavercreek        OH  60 392   46:01.7 14:49 
    831   819 Shelli Patrick           50   F McCordsville       IN  30 393   46:01.8 14:49 
    832   995 Connie Sivertson         52   F Fishers            IN  31 394   46:02.7 14:50 
    833   585 Holly Lefevers           16   F Beavercreek        OH  61 395   46:04.2 14:50 
    834   323 Dilan Gavin               7   M Fishers            IN  36 439   46:06.6 14:51 
    835   682 Marci Netherland         55   F Gainesville        FL  17 396   46:06.9 14:51 
    836    81 Craig Borgert            48   M Fishers            IN  46 440   46:07.1 14:51 
    837    82 Kelly Borgert            46   F Fishers            IN  45 397   46:07.3 14:51 
    838   324 Neha Gavin               41   F Fishers            IN  47 398   46:07.7 14:51 
    839   897 Lisa Roark               53   F Fishers            IN  32 399   46:08.9 14:52 
    840    37 Keira Battershield       13   F Fishers            IN  65 400   46:21.1 14:56 
    841   547 Amanda Kutoloski         50   F Fisher             IN  33 401   46:27.5 14:58 
    842     2 Amanda Alexander         27   F Fishers            IN  22 402   46:37.0 15:01 
    843    35 Tony Barone              47   M Fishers            IN  47 441   46:39.8 15:02 
    844   331 Kristy Geesy             44   F Fishers            IN  48 403   46:40.6 15:02 
    845   167 Brabara Cirincione       73   F Loudon             TN   2 404   46:45.3 15:03 
    846   147 Cheryl Carothers         50   F Fishers            IN  34 405   46:46.2 15:04 
    847   244 Randy Davis              56   M Fishers            IN  23 442   46:53.7 15:06 
    848   886 Rae Riego                10   F Fishers            IN  66 406   47:00.9 15:08 
    849  1129 Kendall Wilson            7   F Fishers            IN  16 407   47:01.6 15:09 
    850   880 Amy Riebe                46   F Fishers            IN  46 408   47:28.7 15:17 
    851   884 Danielle Riego           39   F Fishers            IN  42 409   47:32.0 15:18 
    852  1121 Maura Wenglarz           47   F Indianapolis       IN  47 410   47:42.2 15:22 
    853   493 Al Kane                  42   M Fishers            IN  58 443   47:42.3 15:22 
    854   483 Ryan Joniec               6   M Fishers            IN  37 444   47:43.1 15:22 
    855   497 Katie Kane               43   F Fishers            IN  49 411   47:43.3 15:22 
    856   339 Ashley Gilmet            12   F Pendleton          IN  67 412   47:43.5 15:22 
    857   482 Kyle Joniec              40   M Fishers            IN  59 445   47:43.5 15:22 
    858   520 Katie Kleinhelter        18   F Fishers            IN  62 413   47:58.1 15:27 
    859  1220 Kyler Kennett            18   M Fishers            IN  73 446   47:59.4 15:27 
    860  1185 Travis Wilson            49   M Fishers            IN  48 447   48:00.7 15:28 
    861   500 Lynne Kasperan           53   F St John            IN  35 414   48:10.5 15:31 
    862   447 Karen Iglio              46   F Fishers            IN  48 415   48:15.3 15:32 
    863  1130 Mike Wilson              47   M Fishers            IN  49 448   48:20.9 15:34 
    864   240 Ian Davis                29   M Fishers            IN  16 449   48:26.2 15:36 
    865     3 Michael Alexander        30   M Fishers            IN  20 450   48:27.2 15:36 
    866   225 Emily Crousore           15   F Fishers            IN  63 416   48:27.7 15:36 
    867   226 Sam Crousore             17   M Fishers            IN  74 451   48:31.0 15:37 
    868   335 Charles Gillespie        51   M Fishers            IN  33 452   48:36.7 15:39 
    869   651 Collin Mockbee           24   M McCordsville       IN  23 453   48:36.8 15:39 
    870   337 Margaret Gillespie       53   F Fishers            IN  36 417   48:37.1 15:39 
    871   389 Thomas Hayden            21   M Plainfield         IL  24 454   48:37.5 15:40 
    872  1240 Terry McCarthy           84   M Fishers            IN   1 455   48:39.0 15:40 
    873   388 Kathleen Hayden          50   F Plainfield         IL  37 418   48:42.0 15:41 
    874   597 Emily Loew               24   F Fishers            IN  35 419   48:48.5 15:43 
    875   599 Sally Loew               54   F Fishers            IN  38 420   48:49.4 15:43 
    876   776 Lindsay Orecchio         18   F Fishers            IN  64 421   48:53.9 15:45 
    877   107 Molly Broviak            44   F Fishers            IN  50 422   48:57.0 15:46 
    878  1233 Michelle Russis          52   F Lake Zurich        IL  39 423   48:57.5 15:46 
    879   762 Paul Obear               54   M Fishers            IN  34 456   49:02.8 15:48 
    880   341 Mark Gilmet              72   M Fishers            IN   5 457   49:09.5 15:50 
    881   801 Lisa Orecchio            51   F Fishers            IN  40 424   49:11.3 15:50 
    882  1177 Christina Nigh           50   F Fortville          IN  41 425   49:11.3 15:50 
    883   437 Erin Hugus               14   F Fishers            IN  68 426   49:15.2 15:52 
    884  1227 Jeff Kirkhoff            46   M Fortville          IN  50 458   49:18.3 15:53 
    885  1140 Jacob Wolfe              35   F Fishers            IN  43 427   49:18.5 15:53 
    886  1139 Dylan Wolfe              11   M Fishers            IN  79 459   49:19.5 15:53 
    887  1141 Mason Wolfe               8   M Fishers            IN  38 460   49:20.7 15:53 
    888   241 Jama Davis               55   F Fishers            IN  18 428   49:24.4 15:55 
    889   538 Christine Kraft          50   F Fishers            IN  42 429   49:24.9 15:55 
    890   242 Jessica Davis            27   F Fishers            IN  23 430   49:25.1 15:55 
    891   828 Jennifer Petty           26   F Fishers            IN  24 431   49:28.6 15:56 
    892   829 Michael Petty            27   M Fishers            IN  17 461   49:36.9 15:59 
    893   357 William Grosso           56   M Fishers            IN  24 462   49:41.8 16:00 
    894   356 Christine Grosso         21   F Fishers            IN  36 432   49:42.3 16:00 
    895   844 Megan Pressler-Wolfe     36   F Fishers            IN  44 433   49:42.7 16:00 
    896   680 Matt Myers               44   M Fortville          IN  60 463   49:46.3 16:02 
    897   160 Anthony Chilcote          7   M Fishers            IN  39 464   49:46.7 16:02 
    898    80 Ryland Booher            10   M Fortville          IN  80 465   49:47.2 16:02 
    899   932 Deb Satterfield          47   F Fishers            IN  49 434   49:50.7 16:03 
    900   903 Wendy Ronna              41   F West Paducah       KY  51 435   49:53.1 16:04 
    901   394 Kyle Henderson           17   M Mesquite           TX  75 466   50:02.1 16:07 
    902    99 Annabel Brinker          17   F Fishers            IN  65 436   50:02.2 16:07 
    903  1165 Paul Young               69   M Fishers            IN   3 467   50:02.7 16:07 
    904   759 Danielle Nosek           18   F Fishers            IN  66 437   50:03.2 16:07 
    905   101 Judy Brinker             54   F Fishers            IN  43 438   50:03.4 16:07 
    906   807 Steve Owens              68   M Fishers            IN   4 468   50:03.8 16:07 
    907  1235 Lori Manning             51   F Valparaiso         IN  44 439   50:08.0 16:09 
    908  1231 Vas Russis               53   M Lake Zurich        IL  35 469   50:09.2 16:09 
    909   552 Carolyn Lalor            55   F Fortville          IN  19 440   50:09.3 16:09 
    910   553 Patrick Lalor            63   M Fortville          IN   7 470   50:09.4 16:09 
    911   162 Jamie Chilcote           42   M Fishers            IN  61 471   50:09.8 16:09 
    912   223 Angie Crousore           45   F Fishers            IN  50 441   50:10.8 16:10 
    913   161 Jack Chilcote            13   M Fishers            IN  81 472   50:11.2 16:10 
    914   766 Sarah Ochall             38   F Fishers            IN  45 442   50:15.9 16:11 
    915   300 Connie Foerg             42   F Fishers            IN  52 443   50:16.0 16:11 
    916   760 Charll Obear             55   F Fishers            IN  20 444   50:28.1 16:15 
    917   763 Valerie Obear            20   F Fishers            IN  37 445   50:31.7 16:16 
    918  1170 James Nickens            49   M Fishers            IN  51 473   50:33.1 16:17 
    919   512 Ryan Kenny               10   M Fishers            IN  82 474   50:35.6 16:18 
    920  1228 Chip Lugar               51   M McCordsville       IN  36 475   50:37.5 16:18 
    921   511 Olivia Kenny              3   F Fishers            IN  17 446   50:37.5 16:18 
    922  1229 Lisa Lugar               51   M McCordsville       IN  37 476   50:39.1 16:19 
    923   756 Rachel Nigh              20   F Fortville          IN  38 447   50:40.7 16:19 
    924   755 Mark Nigh                49   M Fortville          IN  52 477   50:41.2 16:19 
    925   679 Katie Myers              41   F Fishers            IN  53 448   50:44.4 16:20 
    926   964 Jennifer Selm            42   F Fortville          IN  54 449   50:47.8 16:21 
    927   541 Tessa Kraft              18   F Fishers            IN  67 450   50:57.0 16:24 
    928  1162 Madison Yeoman            9   F Indianapolis       IN  18 451   51:00.9 16:26 
    929   630 Lisa McIntyre            37   F Milledgeville      GA  46 452   51:01.2 16:26 
    930   509 Kelly Kenny              42   F Fishers            IN  55 453   51:03.8 16:27 
    931   510 Kevin Kenny              56   M Fishers            IN  25 478   51:06.4 16:27 
    932    75 Emma Bolander             7   F Fishers            IN  19 454   51:18.6 16:31 
    933    78 Jeff Bolander            40   M Fishers            IN  62 479   51:20.5 16:32 
    934  1055 MacKenzie Teurman        10   F Noblesville        IN  69 455   51:27.6 16:34 
    935   383 Shannon Harris           36   F Fishers            IN  47 456   51:32.2 16:36 
    936   184 Elliott Collins          10   M Fishers            IN  83 480   51:35.4 16:37 
    937   395 Niki Henderson           42   F Mesquite           TX  56 457   51:37.6 16:37 
    938  1226 Brett Glaze              50   M Fortville          IN  38 481   51:50.5 16:42 
    939  1045 Ed Sweetland             49   M McCordsville       IN  53 482   52:01.1 16:45 
    940  1248 Miranda Carter           19   F Fishers            IN  68 458   52:02.8 16:46 
    941  1247 Scott Carter             48   M Fishers            IN  54 483   52:03.8 16:46 
    942   582 Jeremy Lee               34   M Fishers            IN  21 484   52:18.6 16:51 
    943   422 Lori Hook                45   F Fishers            IN  51 459   52:18.7 16:51 
    944   420 Camden Hook               9   M Fishers            IN  40 485   52:21.7 16:52 
    945   248 Aimee Day                68   F Fishers            IN   1 460   52:29.2 16:54 
    946   568 Beth Lawrence            40   F Fishers            IN  57 461   52:29.4 16:54 
    947    46 Jacquelyn Bego           34   F McCordsville       IN  17 462   52:32.9 16:55 
    948   115 Leslie Buckner           56   F Fishers            IN  21 463   52:34.8 16:56 
    949   975 Steve Shick              54   M Fishers            IN  39 486   52:39.3 16:57 
    950   974 Olivia Shick             17   F Fishers            IN  69 464   52:42.0 16:58 
    951   973 Lisa Shick               52   F Fishers            IN  45 465   52:42.7 16:58 
    952   304 Julie Fosler             50   F Fishers            IN  46 466   52:43.7 16:59 
    953   117 Steve Buckner            59   M Fishers            IN  26 487   52:52.7 17:02 
    954   180 Kevin Colbert            49   M Fishers            IN  55 488   52:53.3 17:02 
    955   360 Jeannine Grumish         71   F Oro Valley         AZ   3 467   52:55.6 17:03 
    956   629 Jordan McIntyre           6   F Milledgeville      GA  20 468   53:04.0 17:05 
    957   181 Mindy Colbert            38   F Fishers            IN  48 469   53:08.6 17:07 
    958   530 MacY Koetter             12   F Fishers            IN  70 470   53:09.1 17:07 
    959   371 Lauren Hadley            37   F Chicago            IL  49 471   53:21.8 17:11 
    960   370 Addison Hadley           10   F Chicago            IL  71 472   53:23.0 17:11 
    961   982 Jennifer Silver          43   F Fishers            IN  58 473   53:24.3 17:12 
    962   980 Geoff Silver             46   M Fishers            IN  56 489   53:24.5 17:12 
    963   533 Tatum Koetter             9   F Fishers            IN  21 474   53:38.0 17:16 
    964   182 Shelly Colbert           47   F Fishers            IN  52 475   53:41.4 17:17 
    965   267 Evan Drake               10   M Indianapolis       IN  84 490   53:43.0 17:18 
    966  1098 Zoe Walters               9   F Pendleton          IN  22 476   53:44.4 17:18 
    967    44 Kaylee Beck              21   F Fishers            IN  39 477   53:46.7 17:19 
    968   198 Tamara Cooper            61   F Indianapolis       IN   4 478   53:50.7 17:20 
    969   622 MacEy McCrorie           24   F Fishers            IN  40 479   53:50.9 17:20 
    970   283 Brooke Elzinga           38   F Beech Grove        IN  50 480   53:51.6 17:21 
    971    53 Cindy Bickford           51   F Fishers            IN  47 481   53:52.3 17:21 
    972   268 Scott Drake              44   M Indianapolis       IN  63 491   53:55.5 17:22 
    973   105 Jenna Broviak            14   F Fishers            IN  72 482   54:05.4 17:25 
    974  1096 Brett Walters            50   M Pendleton          IN  40 492   54:09.0 17:26 
    975  1097 Jennifer Walters         44   F Pendleton          IN  59 483   54:09.1 17:26 
    976   809 Andy Packard             40   M Indianapolis       IN  64 493   54:10.6 17:27 
    977   954 Averie Scott             10   F Cicero             IN  73 484   54:32.1 17:34 
    978   955 Bj Scott                 41   M Cicero             IN  65 494   54:32.5 17:34 
    979  1219 Katie Buzan              33   F Fortville          IN  18 485   54:42.3 17:37 
    980  1160 Evan Yeoman              38   F Indianapolis       IN  51 486   54:42.6 17:37 
    981   913 Jen Rowlett              38   F Fishers            IN  52 487   54:43.0 17:37 
    982   351 Jessica Gowin            32   F McCordsville       IN  19 488   54:43.8 17:37 
    983   280 Christie Dwyer           62   F Indianapolis       IN   5 489   54:45.0 17:38 
    984   260 Maeve Dolan              13   F Fishers            IN  74 490   54:51.5 17:40 
    985   602 Quinn Lowry              17   M Fishers            IN  76 495   54:53.5 17:41 
    986   153 Ava Chamberlain          15   F Fishers            IN  70 491   54:54.4 17:41 
    987   261 Susie Dolan              52   F Fishers            IN  48 492   54:54.7 17:41 
    988   627 Lauren McIntosh          14   F Fishers            IN  75 493   54:55.1 17:41 
    989   626 Jason McIntosh           45   M Fishers            IN  57 496   54:57.5 17:42 
    990   998 Floyd Slabach            74   M Beavercreek        OH   6 497   55:07.4 17:45 
    991   258 Jack Dodge                8   M Fishers            IN  41 498   55:09.6 17:46 
    992   586 Kristine Lefevers        53   F Beavercreek        OH  49 494   55:15.0 17:47 
    993    51 Grahm Bertram            11   M Noblesville        IN  85 499   55:18.5 17:49 
    994   146 Brad Carothers           22   M Fishers            IN  25 500   55:33.3 17:53 
    995    66 Mike Blom                67   M Milledgeville      GA   5 501   55:34.3 17:54 
    996   168 Ron Cirincione           74   M Loudon             TN   7 502   55:36.1 17:54 
    997  1159 Roseann Yarling          54   F Fishers            IN  50 495   55:56.2 18:01 
    998  1156 Caleb Yarling            23   M Fishers            IN  26 503   55:57.9 18:01 
    999    87 Kassidy Bosler           18   F Fishers            IN  71 496   55:59.0 18:02 
   1000    86 Jennifer Bosler          48   F Fishers            IN  53 497   56:00.5 18:02 
   1001   431 Lauren Hubbard           15   F Fishers            IN  72 498   56:00.6 18:02 
   1002   655 Kathryn Mohr             47   F Fishers            IN  54 499   56:00.7 18:02 
   1003   112 Samuel Bruns             14   M Fishers            IN  86 504   56:02.7 18:03 
   1004    85 Chad Bosler              50   M Fishers            IN  41 505   56:03.5 18:03 
   1005   656 Spencer Mohr             10   M Fishers            IN  87 506   56:04.0 18:03 
   1006   308 Michelle Freed           54   F Fishers            IN  51 500   56:07.7 18:04 
   1007  1066 Brandon Trick            28   M Fishers            IN  18 507   56:11.1 18:06 
   1008   439 Kinsey Hugus             12   F Fishers            IN  76 501   56:52.5 18:19 
   1009  1015 Cheryl Spencer           73   F Fishers            IN   4 502   56:57.2 18:20 
   1010   426 Ben Houston               5   M Bonaire            GA  42 508   56:59.7 18:21 
   1011   108 Lisa Brown               54   F Indianapolis       IN  52 503   56:59.8 18:21 
   1012   436 Amy Hugus                56   F Fishers            IN  22 504   57:00.0 18:21 
   1013   429 Tim Houston              41   M Bonaire            GA  66 509   57:00.9 18:22 
   1014   428 Meghan Houston           39   F Bonaire            GA  53 505   57:02.0 18:22 
   1015   427 Lilly Houston             6   F Bonaire            GA  23 506   57:04.8 18:23 
   1016   921 Amy Russell              48   F Fishers            IN  55 507   57:04.8 18:23 
   1017   944 Cat Schneider            25   F Indianapolis       IN  25 508   57:07.5 18:24 
   1018  1155 Stephanie Wright         38   F Fishers            IN  54 509   57:08.5 18:24 
   1019   945 Daralyn Schneider        57   F Indianapolis       IN  23 510   57:08.8 18:24 
   1020   455 Kim Jackson              63   F Fishers            IN   6 511   57:12.4 18:25 
   1021   514 Bill King                53   M Fishers            IN  42 510   57:16.3 18:26 
   1022   513 Alli King                21   F Fishers            IN  41 512   57:16.6 18:27 
   1023   518 Kim King                 49   F Fishers            IN  56 513   57:18.4 18:27 
   1024   670 Elise Murphy             19   F Kingston           TN  73 514   57:27.7 18:30 
   1025   671 Jill Murphy              50   F Kingston           TN  53 515   57:29.8 18:31 
   1026   138 Melissa Capuano          47   F Fishers            IN  57 516   57:31.4 18:31 
   1027  1179 Joseph Malancuk          14   M Fortville          IN  88 511   57:31.7 18:31 
   1028   672 Ted Murphy               51   M Kingston           TN  43 512   57:33.4 18:32 
   1029   137 Jeff Capuano             48   M Fishers            IN  58 513   57:33.7 18:32 
   1030  1180 Susan Malancuk           53   F Fortville          IN  54 517   57:36.0 18:33 
   1031   588 Tom Lefevers             56   M Beavercreek        OH  27 514   57:36.7 18:33 
   1032     8 Tyler Allen              20   M Fishers            IN  27 515   58:07.2 18:43 
   1033    79 Leslie Booher            31   F Fortville          IN  20 518   58:25.5 18:49 
   1034   134 Eryk Calvin              24   M Fortville          IN  28 516   58:27.0 18:49 
   1035  1178 Josh Malancuk            49   M Fortville          IN  59 517   58:59.9 19:00 
   1036  1078 Carson Vernon            13   M Noblesville        IN  89 518   59:30.4 19:10 
   1037   316 Alex Garcia              29   M Indianapolis       IN  19 519 1:00:04.7 19:21 
   1038   317 Cassie Garcia            30   F Indianapolis       IN  21 519 1:00:06.6 19:21 
   1039   411 Brenda Ho                23   F Indianapolis       IN  42 520 1:00:06.8 19:21