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CIML Central XC Championship JV Boys

CIML Central XC Championship JV Boys

SEP xc course - Pleasant Hill, IA

Oct. 15, 2020

50s, Sunny & Windy
Results by Cal Murdock

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                                 Last updated Oct. 15, 2020 5:22 PM

  1 Waukee                   36    1    3    8   10   14   21   22  17:56.0  0:33.8
  2 Dowling Catholic         40    2    6    7   12   13   23   24  17:59.3  0:22.1
  3 Johnston                 44    4    5    9   11   15   16   17  18:02.8  0:19.9
  4 Valley                  110   18   19   20   26   27   30   33  18:49.5  0:47.8
  5 Urbandale               159   25   28   31   35   40   41   42  19:40.1  1:21.0
  6 Southeast Polk          168   29   32   34   36   37   38   39  19:52.6  0:56.3

 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Waukee
    1  Garrett Weber, 10        17:37.4  
    3  Joel Bloomer, 9          17:48.0  
    8  Connor Barry, 12         18:01.0  
   10  Josh DeJohn, 11          18:02.3  
   14  Aidan Cooper, 9          18:11.2  
   21  Samuel Lanz, 12          18:41.3  
   22  Charlie Petersen, 11     18:48.6  
Total Time = 1:29:39.9     Total Places = 36

2. Dowling Catholic
    2  Michael Lord, 11         17:45.9  
    6  Max DeRocher, 9          17:56.8  
    7  Samuel Leto, 11          17:57.6  
   12  Christopher Pierson, 11  18:07.8  
   13  Gage Brinker, 10         18:08.0  
   23  Aidan Klemm, 11          18:49.2  
   24  Matthew Dietrich, 10     18:52.5  
Total Time = 1:29:56.1     Total Places = 40

3. Johnston
    4  Brayden Picken, 9        17:54.8  
    5  Noah Madison, 11         17:56.1  
    9  Alex Wear, 10            18:01.6  
   11  Joe Kerber, 11           18:06.6  
   15  Vir Patel, 12            18:14.6  
   16  Kyle Battani, 12         18:18.4  
   17  Eli Erickson, 11         18:19.1  
Total Time = 1:30:13.7     Total Places = 44

4. Valley
   18  Andrew Liesland, 11      18:31.1  
   19  Cody Swensen, 11         18:36.5  
   20  Aidan Limback, 10        18:36.7  
   26  Levi Orman, 9            19:04.1  
   27  Paul Andersen, 11        19:18.9  
   30  Jack Cavan, 9            19:24.3  
   33  Jacob Forney, 9          19:32.2  
Total Time = 1:34:07.3     Total Places = 110

5. Urbandale
   25  Cooper Hardersen, 10     19:01.3  
   28  Evan Leggett, 10         19:22.3  
   31  Payton Mergen, 9         19:24.5  
   35  Nate Hammerand, 9        20:09.8  
   40  Carter Smith, 11         20:22.3  
   41  Ty Carenza, 12           20:28.4  
   42  Evan Kluesner, 9         21:03.3  
Total Time = 1:38:20.2     Total Places = 159

6. Southeast Polk
   29  Gavin Holmes, 9          19:23.1  
   32  Nathan Zook, 11          19:27.2  
   34  Jude Skinner, 9          19:55.2  
   36  Charlie Wilterdink, 9    20:17.7  
   37  Jack Fertig, 9           20:19.4  
   38  Alan Brummel, 10         20:19.4  
   39  Trevon Kyer, 12          20:19.9  
Total Time = 1:39:22.6     Total Places = 168
 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Garrett Weber, 10 17:37.4 Waukee 2 2 Michael Lord, 11 17:45.9 Dowling Catholic 3 3 Joel Bloomer, 9 17:48.0 Waukee 4 4 Brayden Picken, 9 17:54.8 Johnston 5 5 Noah Madison, 11 17:56.1 Johnston 6 6 Max DeRocher, 9 17:56.8 Dowling Catholic 7 7 Samuel Leto, 11 17:57.6 Dowling Catholic 8 8 Connor Barry, 12 18:01.0 Waukee 9 9 Alex Wear, 10 18:01.6 Johnston 10 10 Josh DeJohn, 11 18:02.3 Waukee 11 11 Joe Kerber, 11 18:06.6 Johnston 12 12 Christopher Pierson, 11 18:07.8 Dowling Catholic 13 13 Gage Brinker, 10 18:08.0 Dowling Catholic 14 14 Aidan Cooper, 9 18:11.2 Waukee 15 15 Vir Patel, 12 18:14.6 Johnston 16 16 Kyle Battani, 12 18:18.4 Johnston 17 17 Eli Erickson, 11 18:19.1 Johnston 18 Konrad Rohlf, 11 18:27.3 Johnston 19 18 Andrew Liesland, 11 18:31.1 Valley 20 Jack Meyer, 9 18:33.1 Johnston 21 Jack Coen, 9 18:33.5 Johnston 22 19 Cody Swensen, 11 18:36.5 Valley 23 20 Aidan Limback, 10 18:36.7 Valley 24 21 Samuel Lanz, 12 18:41.3 Waukee 25 22 Charlie Petersen, 11 18:48.6 Waukee 26 23 Aidan Klemm, 11 18:49.2 Dowling Catholic 27 Henry Strauss, 9 18:49.3 Johnston 28 Cooper Vercauturen, 10 18:50.5 Johnston 29 24 Matthew Dietrich, 10 18:52.5 Dowling Catholic 30 Johnny Fox, 10 18:52.8 Dowling Catholic 31 Chad DenAdel, 11 18:55.3 Waukee 32 Nick Klocke, 10 19:00.7 Dowling Catholic 33 25 Cooper Hardersen, 10 19:01.3 Urbandale 34 Kyle Witte, 11 19:02.4 Waukee 35 Jamison Cunningham, 12 19:03.2 Johnston 36 26 Levi Orman, 9 19:04.1 Valley 37 Austin Jones, 10 19:05.0 Waukee 38 Ethan Holter, 11 19:08.9 Johnston 39 Henry De Bruijn, 10 19:09.1 Waukee 40 Cael Klinkenborg, 10 19:18.5 Waukee 41 27 Paul Andersen, 11 19:18.9 Valley 42 28 Evan Leggett, 10 19:22.3 Urbandale 43 Will Meilander, 12 19:22.5 Dowling Catholic 44 29 Gavin Holmes, 9 19:23.1 Southeast Polk 45 30 Jack Cavan, 9 19:24.3 Valley 46 31 Payton Mergen, 9 19:24.5 Urbandale 47 32 Nathan Zook, 11 19:27.2 Southeast Polk 48 33 Jacob Forney, 9 19:32.2 Valley 49 Antonio Banuelos-Moriel, 12 19:34.3 Dowling Catholic 50 Elliot Baughman, 10 19:34.6 Valley 51 Brooklyn Pierce, 12 19:35.3 Waukee 52 Ethan Landin, 11 19:40.7 Waukee 53 Patrick Warren, 10 19:47.1 Dowling Catholic 54 Saiphani Sirimalle, 10 19:49.3 Waukee 55 34 Jude Skinner, 9 19:55.2 Southeast Polk 56 Andy Tran, 11 19:56.7 Valley 57 35 Nate Hammerand, 9 20:09.8 Urbandale 58 Joe Wilwerding, 10 20:10.0 Dowling Catholic 59 36 Charlie Wilterdink, 9 20:17.7 Southeast Polk 60 37 Jack Fertig, 9 20:19.4 Southeast Polk 61 38 Alan Brummel, 10 20:19.4 Southeast Polk 62 Tianci Sun, 10 20:19.6 Valley 63 39 Trevon Kyer, 12 20:19.9 Southeast Polk 64 Andrew Croft, 10 20:20.7 Valley 65 Cade Nickell, 12 20:22.2 Southeast Polk 66 40 Carter Smith, 11 20:22.3 Urbandale 67 41 Ty Carenza, 12 20:28.4 Urbandale 68 Cole Kyer, 10 20:28.7 Southeast Polk 69 Jeison Jaimes, 12 20:38.1 Dowling Catholic 70 Aydan Albritton, 10 20:44.4 Southeast Polk 71 Noah Trannel, 9 20:51.8 Valley 72 Landon Morrow, 9 20:54.9 Southeast Polk 73 42 Evan Kluesner, 9 21:03.3 Urbandale 74 Grant Uecker, 9 21:10.8 Urbandale 75 Ethan Keomala, 10 21:14.5 Southeast Polk 76 Mason Hausmann, 10 21:32.4 Southeast Polk 77 Zach Funk, 10 21:36.9 Southeast Polk 78 Brome Churchill, 12 21:43.6 Southeast Polk 79 Jake Perman, 12 22:26.6 Urbandale 80 Blake France, 9 22:27.3 Urbandale 81 Jon Hudak, 9 22:34.6 Urbandale

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