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CIML Central Conference XC Meet 9-10 Boys

CIML Central Conference XC Meet 9-10 Boys

Johnston, IA

Oct. 13, 2021

70, sunny & very windy
Results by Cal Murdock

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                                 Last updated Oct. 13, 2021 3:35 PM

  1 Urbandale                23    1    2    3    7   10   17   32  18:26.8  1:07.7
  2 Johnston                 37    4    5    8    9   11   12   13  18:53.2  0:30.2
  3 Dowling                  86   14   15   16   20   21   22   26  19:40.5  0:24.9
  4 Waukee                  111    6   19   25   30   31   34   37  19:56.6  1:49.2
  5 Southeast Polk          134   18   24   28   29   35   38   41  20:17.9  1:07.0
  6 Valley, Wdm             158   23   27   33   36   39   40   42  20:43.0  1:31.7

 PLACE         FINISHER          TIME

1. Urbandale
    1  Tommy Hensley, 10        17:51.9  
    2  Blake Smith, 9           18:14.4  
    3  Drew Johnson, 10         18:21.0  
    7  Alexander Baker, 9       18:46.9  
   10  Mason Moran, 10          18:59.6  
   17  Sidney Shide, 9          19:42.3  
   32  Cooper Smith, 9          20:31.9  
Total Time = 1:32:13.8     Total Places = 23

2. Johnston
    4  Jack Meyer, 10           18:40.2  
    5  Garrett Ness, 9          18:40.5  
    8  Ian Hurley, 10           18:55.5  
    9  Henry Strauss, 10        18:59.5  
   11  Noah Reese, 9            19:10.3  
   12  Sam McAlister, 10        19:17.4  
   13  Aydean Bejtovic, 9       19:20.3  
Total Time = 1:34:26.0     Total Places = 37

3. Dowling
   14  Owen Wolfe, 9            19:28.7  
   15  Patrick Wainwright, 10   19:31.3  
   16  Josh Mohan, 9            19:35.6  
   20  Mitchell Cook, 10        19:53.2  
   21  Owen Palmer, 10          19:53.5  
   22  Fabian Jarabek, 10       19:56.7  
   26  Lewis Lentsch, 9         20:16.1  
Total Time = 1:38:22.3     Total Places = 86

4. Waukee
    6  Dashiell Coyier, 9       18:42.3  
   19  Ellis Coyier, 9          19:48.6  
   25  Drew Klemesrud, 9        20:11.9  
   30  Nick Wellet, 9           20:28.3  
   31  Alex Kottmeyer, 9        20:31.5  
   34  SchirrmeisterContreras, 920:48.1  
   37  Lincoln Brown, 9         21:16.0  
Total Time = 1:39:42.6     Total Places = 111

5. Southeast Polk
   18  Charlie Wilterdink, 10   19:47.9  
   24  Nathan Moberg, 9         20:00.6  
   28  Evan Tollari, 9          20:22.9  
   29  Devan Hiskey, 9          20:23.1  
   35  Brock Johnson, 9         20:54.8  
   38  Alex Schumacher, 9       21:27.7  
   41  Aydin McNeley, 10        21:36.0  
Total Time = 1:41:29.3     Total Places = 134

6. Valley, Wdm
   23  Aidan Kittle, 9          19:57.9  
   27  Frank McEvoy, 10         20:21.8  
   33  Ben Meier, 9             20:43.0  
   36  Keaton Moll, 10          21:02.3  
   39  Evan Walker, 10          21:29.6  
   40  Jack Carver, 10          21:33.4  
   42  Sean Bendinger, 9        21:50.3  
Total Time = 1:43:34.6     Total Places = 158
 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Tommy Hensley, 10 17:51.9 Urbandale 2 2 Blake Smith, 9 18:14.4 Urbandale 3 3 Drew Johnson, 10 18:21.0 Urbandale 4 4 Jack Meyer, 10 18:40.2 Johnston 5 5 Garrett Ness, 9 18:40.5 Johnston 6 6 Dashiell Coyier, 9 18:42.3 Waukee 7 7 Alexander Baker, 9 18:46.9 Urbandale 8 8 Ian Hurley, 10 18:55.5 Johnston 9 9 Henry Strauss, 10 18:59.5 Johnston 10 10 Mason Moran, 10 18:59.6 Urbandale 11 11 Noah Reese, 9 19:10.3 Johnston 12 12 Sam McAlister, 10 19:17.4 Johnston 13 13 Aydean Bejtovic, 9 19:20.3 Johnston 14 Logan Brustkern, 9 19:22.2 Johnston 15 14 Owen Wolfe, 9 19:28.7 Dowling 16 15 Patrick Wainwright, 10 19:31.3 Dowling 17 16 Josh Mohan, 9 19:35.6 Dowling 18 Owen Martin, 10 19:37.5 Johnston 19 17 Sidney Shide, 9 19:42.3 Urbandale 20 18 Charlie Wilterdink, 10 19:47.9 Southeast Polk 21 19 Ellis Coyier, 9 19:48.6 Waukee 22 Calahan Rourke, 10 19:52.3 Johnston 23 20 Mitchell Cook, 10 19:53.2 Dowling 24 21 Owen Palmer, 10 19:53.5 Dowling 25 Ben Neville, 10 19:56.1 Johnston 26 22 Fabian Jarabek, 10 19:56.7 Dowling 27 23 Aidan Kittle, 9 19:57.9 Valley, Wdm 28 24 Nathan Moberg, 9 20:00.6 Southeast Polk 29 25 Drew Klemesrud, 9 20:11.9 Waukee 30 26 Lewis Lentsch, 9 20:16.1 Dowling 31 Blake Grask, 9 20:17.2 Dowling 32 Brody Burr, 9 20:18.2 Dowling 33 27 Frank McEvoy, 10 20:21.8 Valley, Wdm 34 28 Evan Tollari, 9 20:22.9 Southeast Polk 35 29 Devan Hiskey, 9 20:23.1 Southeast Polk 36 Jan Luka Castillo-Mora, 920:24.0 Dowling 37 Holden Schug, 9 20:24.2 Johnston 38 30 Nick Wellet, 9 20:28.3 Waukee 39 Charlie Leto, 10 20:30.0 Dowling 40 31 Alex Kottmeyer, 9 20:31.5 Waukee 41 32 Cooper Smith, 9 20:31.9 Urbandale 42 Brett Gifford, 10 20:35.1 Dowling 43 Nate Hammerand, 10 20:38.5 Urbandale 44 33 Ben Meier, 9 20:43.0 Valley, Wdm 45 34 SchirrmeisterContreras, 920:48.1 Waukee 46 Payton Mergen, 10 20:52.2 Urbandale 47 Porter Russell, 9 20:53.2 Johnston 48 Hank McGuire, 9 20:54.0 Dowling 49 35 Brock Johnson, 9 20:54.8 Southeast Polk 50 Arthur Chen, 9 20:55.4 Johnston 51 Willie Zhao, 10 20:58.4 Johnston 52 36 Keaton Moll, 10 21:02.3 Valley, Wdm 53 Andrew Maitre, 10 21:11.9 Johnston 54 William Giles, 9 21:13.0 Urbandale 55 Adam Klocke, 9 21:15.6 Dowling 56 37 Lincoln Brown, 9 21:16.0 Waukee 57 Nathan Mauro, 9 21:16.2 Dowling 58 Carter Gearhart, 9 21:21.4 Johnston 59 Jack McGuire, 10 21:25.3 Dowling 60 38 Alex Schumacher, 9 21:27.7 Southeast Polk 61 39 Evan Walker, 10 21:29.6 Valley, Wdm 62 40 Jack Carver, 10 21:33.4 Valley, Wdm 63 41 Aydin McNeley, 10 21:36.0 Southeast Polk 64 Jack Riley, 9 21:36.5 Southeast Polk 65 Landon Morrow, 10 21:36.7 Southeast Polk 66 Alex Jorgensen, 9 21:41.9 Waukee 67 David Zhang, 9 21:44.6 Johnston 68 42 Sean Bendinger, 9 21:50.3 Valley, Wdm 69 Carson Tracy, 10 21:55.9 Johnston 70 Mason Stevermer, 10 21:56.4 Valley, Wdm 71 Mitch Driscoll, 10 22:00.6 Johnston 72 Elliot Liesland, 9 22:01.2 Valley, Wdm 73 Andrew Bogue, 9 22:02.6 Johnston 74 Aydan Albritton, 10 22:05.4 Southeast Polk 75 Collin Comito, 10 22:05.9 Dowling 76 Samuel Kavlock, 9 22:07.4 Dowling 77 Cameron White, 9 22:18.7 Johnston 78 Gavin Boliver, 10 22:19.7 Johnston 79 Zane Hastich, 9 22:22.6 Southeast Polk 80 Alton Ladd, 9 22:24.0 Valley, Wdm 81 Jack Brooks, 10 22:32.8 Johnston 82 Owen Kouba, 10 22:36.4 Valley, Wdm 83 Dan Murano, 10 22:57.7 Valley, Wdm 84 Max Young, 9 23:08.3 Waukee 85 Kaden Keomala, 9 23:09.2 Southeast Polk 86 Eli McGee, 9 23:10.3 Johnston 87 Ben Couvillon, 10 23:10.6 Johnston 88 Logan Frink, 9 23:15.5 Waukee 89 Blake Glennon, 10 23:21.5 Johnston 90 Cainan Osborn, 10 23:35.6 Dowling 91 Theo Johnson, 9 23:48.0 Dowling 92 Kaden Klootwyk, 9 23:49.3 Valley, Wdm 93 Joshua Janni, 9 23:56.5 Johnston 94 Tyson Hathaway, 10 23:59.8 Valley, Wdm 95 Alex Imig, 10 24:04.4 Valley, Wdm 96 John Kacmarynski, 9 24:05.8 Dowling 97 Cooper Stein, 9 24:12.5 Valley, Wdm 98 Evan Ullestad, 9 24:12.9 Valley, Wdm 99 Jonah Rowland, 9 24:32.8 Johnston 100 Blake Schimonitz, 9 24:36.5 Valley, Wdm 101 Noah Olson-Daniel, 9 24:39.5 Dowling 102 Gabriel Ireland, 9 24:45.8 Dowling 103 Matthew Pierson, 9 24:46.3 Dowling 104 Aidan Sash, 10 24:51.5 Dowling 105 Cooper Olney, 9 25:14.5 Southeast Polk 106 Bodie Wheeler, 10 25:32.9 Johnston 107 Finn Graziano, 9 25:42.9 Waukee 108 Dylan Porter, 9 25:52.0 Dowling 109 Victor Njane, 9 25:58.4 Waukee 110 Ryan Traynor, 9 26:07.6 Valley, Wdm 111 Buck McClafflin, 9 26:13.3 Southeast Polk 112 Owen Anderson, 9 26:18.8 Southeast Polk 113 Larry Li, 9 26:37.7 Dowling 114 Shreyas Shrestha, 9 26:43.0 Johnston 115 Ryan Johnson, 10 26:48.7 Valley, Wdm 116 Severo Rodriguez, 9 27:42.9 Dowling 117 Maddox Wajda, 9 28:15.9 Valley, Wdm 118 Michael Westendorf, 9 28:45.4 Johnston 119 Leo Klemm, 9 29:03.3 Dowling 120 Shubham Sah, 9 30:48.4 Waukee

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