50th Tom Karpen XC Invite MS girls

50th Tom Karpen XC Invite MS girls

VSW xc course - WDM, IA

Sep. 17, 2024

80s and sunny
Results by Cal Murdock

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                                 Last updated Sep. 17, 2024 8:51 PM

  1 Waukee Prairieview       30    3    4    6    7   10   13   35  14:01.6  1:06.7
  2 Ankeny Northview         63    1    5    9   21   27   41   42  14:39.1  2:39.8
  3 Valley M S               66    8   12   14   15   17   18   19  14:50.4  0:45.1
  4 Dowling M S              77    2   11   16   22   26   28   32  14:52.8  2:30.9
  5 Johnston M S            149   23   29   30   33   34   36   40  16:12.8  0:58.1
  6 Roosevelt M S           150   20   24   31   37   38   39   44  16:06.4  1:22.1
  7 Ankeny Southview        211   25   45   46   47   48   49   52  17:59.3  3:19.1
  8 Hoover M S              265   43   50   54   55   63   65   70  22:25.2 10:59.7
  9 Lincoln M S             281   51   56   57   58   59   60   69  25:10.3  5:19.9
 10 East M S                306   53   61   62   64   66   67   68  26:50.1  6:35.5

Incomplete Teams: North M S
 POINTS        FINISHER          TIME   

1. Waukee Prairieview
    3  Laney Sundet, 8          13:38.1  
    4  Emerson Stubbendeck, 8   13:38.7  
    6  Hadley Gentzler, 8       13:58.7  
    7  Grace Hummel, 8          14:07.7  
   10  Addie DeYpung, 8         14:44.7  
   13  Ella Halley, 8           14:54.8  
   35  Sawyer Galetich, 8       16:33.2  
Total Time = 1:10:07.9     Total Places = 30

2. Ankeny Northview
    1  Rebecca Flick, 8         13:19.4  
    5  Piper Klinger, 8         13:55.2  
    9  Natalie Cogdill, 8       14:42.3  
   21  Brielle Guerra, 8        15:19.4  
   27  Samantha Phares, 8       15:59.2  
   41  Cate Benning, 8          16:51.7  
   42  Keira Arends, 8          17:00.2  
Total Time = 1:13:15.5     Total Places = 63

3. Valley M S
    8  Emma Udey, 8             14:23.7  
   12  Emma Weih, 7             14:47.7  
   14  Elliot Lessman, 8        14:55.5  
   15  Kinley Kresser, 7        14:56.3  
   17  Molly Millang, 8         15:08.8  
   18  Penelope Laehn, 7        15:09.0  
   19  Jocelyn Perrigo, 7       15:14.2  
Total Time = 1:14:12.0     Total Places = 66

4. Dowling M S
    2  Abigail Muehling, 7      13:23.8  
   11  Elena Vaske, 8           14:45.0  
   16  Caroline Tice, 8         14:59.1  
   22  Clare Hoffman, 8         15:21.1  
   26  Ellen Risovi, 8          15:54.7  
   28  Macy DeRocher, 7         16:00.8  
   32  Mia Lucia, 7             16:22.8  
Total Time = 1:14:23.7     Total Places = 77

5. Johnston M S
   23  Ellie Crossland, 8       15:34.8  
   29  Kendal Jensen, 8         16:05.4  
   30  Carlie Jackson, 8        16:18.8  
   33  Reagan Wey, 7            16:32.1  
   34  Autumn Huebbe, 8         16:32.9  
   36  Lucile Yankowski, 8      16:36.2  
   40  Natalya Porto, 8         16:50.2  
Total Time = 1:21:04.0     Total Places = 149

6. Roosevelt M S
   20  Annabel Douglas, 7       15:16.3  
   24  Charlotte Kelderman, 8   15:39.5  
   31  Jill Martin, 8           16:20.0  
   37  Malak Adam, 7            16:37.6  
   38  Loren Chan, 8            16:38.4  
   39  Georgia Murphy, 7        16:39.4  
   44  Harper Bodenstedt, 7     17:27.3  
Total Time = 1:20:31.8     Total Places = 150

7. Ankeny Southview
   25  Kyla Ntem, 8             15:52.7  
   45  Jera Harris, 8           17:31.5  
   46  Sophia Hiltgen, 8        18:20.8  
   47  Gretchen Sloan, 8        18:59.5  
   48  Brooklyn Tracy, 8        19:11.8  
   49  Sophie Smith, 8          19:58.5  
   52  Constance Luing, 8       22:00.0  
Total Time = 1:29:56.3     Total Places = 211

8. Hoover M S
   43  Jenesis Brooks, 8        17:08.5  
   50  Lillian Swanson, 7       20:47.4  
   54  Emma Petersen, 7         23:00.0  
   55  Evelyn R, 7              23:01.9  
   63  Mia Morales, 7           28:08.1  
   65  Jordin Friest, 7         28:11.2  
   70  Malaz Nubie, 7           31:03.3  
Total Time = 1:52:05.9     Total Places = 265

9. Lincoln M S
   51  Payton Jeffries, 8       21:25.8  
   56  Kah'zaih Williams, 8     25:30.1  
   57  Sionna Murchison, 7      25:30.3  
   58  Ava Greer, 7             26:39.7  
   59  Natalie Reha, 7          26:45.6  
   60  Makayla Young, 8         26:56.6  
   69  NeRiah Ziaty, 7          30:08.0  
Total Time = 2:05:51.5     Total Places = 281

10. East M S
   53  Landis Naffziger, 8      22:12.2  
   61  Emma LaGrange, 8         27:00.2  
   62  Gali Rodriguez-Gonzalez, 828:01.1  
   64  Nevaeh Hellmers, 7       28:09.1  
   66  Audrey Uvalle-SanElias, 828:47.6  
   67  Amanda AlcantaraSanchez, 828:51.1  
   68  Reagan Heilman, 7        28:53.1  
Total Time = 2:14:10.2     Total Places = 306

 PLACE SCORE         FINISHER          TIME        TEAM         


1 1 Rebecca Flick, 8 13:19.4 Ankeny Northview 2 2 Abigail Muehling, 7 13:23.8 Dowling M S 3 3 Laney Sundet, 8 13:38.1 Waukee Prairieview 4 4 Emerson Stubbendeck, 8 13:38.7 Waukee Prairieview 5 5 Piper Klinger, 8 13:55.2 Ankeny Northview 6 6 Hadley Gentzler, 8 13:58.7 Waukee Prairieview 7 7 Grace Hummel, 8 14:07.7 Waukee Prairieview 8 8 Emma Udey, 8 14:23.7 Valley M S 9 9 Natalie Cogdill, 8 14:42.3 Ankeny Northview 10 10 Addie DeYpung, 8 14:44.7 Waukee Prairieview 11 11 Elena Vaske, 8 14:45.0 Dowling M S 12 12 Emma Weih, 7 14:47.7 Valley M S 13 13 Ella Halley, 8 14:54.8 Waukee Prairieview 14 14 Elliot Lessman, 8 14:55.5 Valley M S 15 15 Kinley Kresser, 7 14:56.3 Valley M S 16 16 Caroline Tice, 8 14:59.1 Dowling M S 17 17 Molly Millang, 8 15:08.8 Valley M S 18 18 Penelope Laehn, 7 15:09.0 Valley M S 19 19 Jocelyn Perrigo, 7 15:14.2 Valley M S 20 20 Annabel Douglas, 7 15:16.3 Roosevelt M S 21 21 Brielle Guerra, 8 15:19.4 Ankeny Northview 22 22 Clare Hoffman, 8 15:21.1 Dowling M S 23 23 Ellie Crossland, 8 15:34.8 Johnston M S 24 Paige Schieber, 8 15:36.3 Valley M S 25 24 Charlotte Kelderman, 8 15:39.5 Roosevelt M S 26 Cora Kittle, 7 15:41.5 Valley M S 27 25 Kyla Ntem, 8 15:52.7 Ankeny Southview 28 Raina Sobek, 7 15:52.7 Valley M S 29 26 Ellen Risovi, 8 15:54.7 Dowling M S 30 27 Samantha Phares, 8 15:59.2 Ankeny Northview 31 Quinn Cooley, 7 16:00.8 Valley M S 32 28 Macy DeRocher, 7 16:00.8 Dowling M S 33 Addison Mauk, 8 16:02.9 Valley M S 34 29 Kendal Jensen, 8 16:05.4 Johnston M S 35 Lily Udey, 7 16:11.2 Valley M S 36 30 Carlie Jackson, 8 16:18.8 Johnston M S 37 31 Jill Martin, 8 16:20.0 Roosevelt M S 38 32 Mia Lucia, 7 16:22.8 Dowling M S 39 33 Reagan Wey, 7 16:32.1 Johnston M S 40 34 Autumn Huebbe, 8 16:32.9 Johnston M S 41 35 Sawyer Galetich, 8 16:33.2 Waukee Prairieview 42 36 Lucile Yankowski, 8 16:36.2 Johnston M S 43 37 Malak Adam, 7 16:37.6 Roosevelt M S 44 38 Loren Chan, 8 16:38.4 Roosevelt M S 45 39 Georgia Murphy, 7 16:39.4 Roosevelt M S 46 Hayley Dray, 8 16:41.8 Waukee Prairieview 47 Kendall Hogan, 7 16:42.5 Dowling M S 48 Mirabel Seidelman, 7 16:46.3 Valley M S 49 40 Natalya Porto, 8 16:50.2 Johnston M S 50 41 Cate Benning, 8 16:51.7 Ankeny Northview 51 42 Keira Arends, 8 17:00.2 Ankeny Northview 52 London Mendenhall, 8 17:06.1 Waukee Prairieview 53 43 Jenesis Brooks, 8 17:08.5 Hoover M S 54 Layla Taylor, 8 17:12.2 Dowling M S 55 Teagan Guerra, 8 17:20.2 Ankeny Northview 56 Marley Mhares, 8 17:22.0 Ankeny Northview 57 Brinnlie Erickson, 8 17:22.5 Ankeny Northview 58 44 Harper Bodenstedt, 7 17:27.3 Roosevelt M S 59 Haley Harnden, 8 17:31.3 Dowling M S 60 45 Jera Harris, 8 17:31.5 Ankeny Southview 61 Lilia Wild, 7 17:33.9 Dowling M S 62 Mya Kopp, 8 17:39.9 Waukee Prairieview 63 Clara Humston, 8 17:43.5 Valley M S 64 Lucille Gehl, 7 17:47.3 Johnston M S 65 Aubrey Tischler, 8 17:48.0 Valley M S 66 May Green, 8 17:49.3 Valley M S 67 Saylor Coppola, 7 17:49.8 Dowling M S 68 London Kelley, 7 17:53.2 Valley M S 69 Addy Dingel, 8 18:05.2 Waukee Prairieview 70 Olive Lucente, 8 18:06.9 Waukee Prairieview 71 Megan Beeman, 8 18:08.0 Johnston M S 72 Payton Crookshank, 8 18:08.1 Johnston M S 73 Tajia Richards, 8 18:08.4 Ankeny Northview 74 Maeve Leder, 7 18:09.4 Valley M S 75 Corinne Gerhart, 8 18:09.5 Dowling M S 76 Evie Roberts, 8 18:12.2 Valley M S 77 Ada Roberts, 8 18:12.2 Valley M S 78 Gemma McCoy, 8 18:13.1 Roosevelt M S 79 GiGi Bellerjeau, 7 18:14.2 Valley M S 80 Abigail Grinstead, 7 18:16.6 Roosevelt M S 81 46 Sophia Hiltgen, 8 18:20.8 Ankeny Southview 82 Zoey Veldhouse, 7 18:21.2 Roosevelt M S 83 Cassidy Tenhundfeld, 8 18:21.9 Valley M S 84 Ellen Pierce, 7 18:23.1 Valley M S 85 Peyton Becker, 7 18:27.3 Valley M S 86 Ainsley Belden, 8 18:30.6 Valley M S 87 Josephine Smith, 8 18:31.5 Waukee Prairieview 88 Piper Wertzberger, 7 18:32.3 Valley M S 89 Anna Kallen, 7 18:32.7 Johnston M S 90 Emmy Van Iten, 7 18:39.8 Johnston M S 91 Hazel Thoreson, 8 18:42.6 Valley M S 92 Charlotte Green, 7 18:47.2 Roosevelt M S 93 Emily Bruns, 8 18:48.6 Ankeny Northview 94 Belma Mehmedovic, 8 18:50.2 Waukee Prairieview 95 Laila Negrete, 7 18:55.1 Valley M S 96 Lila Bergquist, 8 18:57.1 Ankeny Northview 97 Rose Flynn, 7 18:58.6 Roosevelt M S 98 Norah Bauer, 7 18:59.0 Valley M S 99 47 Gretchen Sloan, 8 18:59.5 Ankeny Southview 100 Mazzie Ferchen, 7 19:02.1 Valley M S 101 Harper Bell, 7 19:10.1 Valley M S 102 Genevieve Guerra, 8 19:11.0 Ankeny Northview 103 48 Brooklyn Tracy, 8 19:11.8 Ankeny Southview 104 Alivia Grefe, 8 19:12.1 Valley M S 105 Mara Garnaas, 7 19:17.7 Roosevelt M S 106 Sawyer Schlicher, 8 19:19.9 Ankeny Northview 107 Ammy Vega, 8 19:21.6 Dowling M S 108 Sophie Becker, 8 19:23.1 Waukee Prairieview 109 Tessa Zambreno, 8 19:24.1 Dowling M S 110 Berlee Hough, 7 19:28.1 Valley M S 111 Claira Sheeder, 8 19:28.9 Waukee Prairieview 112 Lucy Lee, 7 19:30.2 Roosevelt M S 113 Harper Hansen, 7 19:32.1 Valley M S 114 Kinley Daniels, 7 19:32.5 Johnston M S 115 Essa Barkey, 7 19:32.6 Valley M S 116 Grace Griffin, 7 19:32.9 Johnston M S 117 Cassandra Zehr, 7 19:51.8 Johnston M S 118 Lauren Dieleman, 7 19:58.4 Valley M S 119 49 Sophie Smith, 8 19:58.5 Ankeny Southview 120 Mia Mergen, 8 19:59.4 Dowling M S 121 Kristin Chiovaro, 8 19:59.5 Roosevelt M S 122 Caroline Anderson, 8 20:02.2 Johnston M S 123 Medina Music, 8 20:02.3 Johnston M S 124 Kaylyn North, 8 20:07.1 Ankeny Northview 125 Stella Lytton, 8 20:20.2 Dowling M S 126 Amelia Pagel, 8 20:31.3 Ankeny Northview 127 Lucy Rolland, 8 20:36.2 Ankeny Northview 128 Jaina Lust, 8 20:39.2 Ankeny Northview 129 Margaux Ervanian, 7 20:46.6 Dowling M S 130 Lily Hegwein, 7 20:46.7 Johnston M S 131 50 Lillian Swanson, 7 20:47.4 Hoover M S 132 Mia LePera, 8 20:49.2 Waukee Prairieview 133 Ellie Bush, 8 21:06.3 Waukee Prairieview 134 Emma Hajduch, 8 21:07.8 Waukee Prairieview 135 Leighton McKibban, 7 21:08.9 Johnston M S 136 Isabel Drendel, 7 21:16.1 Johnston M S 137 Giulianee Ayala, 8 21:22.7 Roosevelt M S 138 Paige Gallo, 7 21:24.9 Valley M S 139 51 Payton Jeffries, 8 21:25.8 Lincoln M S 140 Audra Fath, 8 21:31.3 Waukee Prairieview 141 Reina Tomar, 8 21:32.5 Valley M S 142 Avery Bruhn, 7 21:36.4 Roosevelt M S 143 Cambree Lembke, 7 21:37.1 Roosevelt M S 144 Lauren Porter, 8 21:40.6 Johnston M S 145 Finley Thomas, 7 21:44.7 Johnston M S 146 Emerson Fitzpatrick, 8 21:59.0 Valley M S 147 52 Constance Luing, 8 22:00.0 Ankeny Southview 148 Cora Haidar, 7 22:09.0 Valley M S 149 53 Landis Naffziger, 8 22:12.2 East M S 150 Sunny Ma, 8 22:14.3 Waukee Prairieview 151 Jane Ebinger, 7 22:26.4 Valley M S 152 Eden Bradshaw, 8 22:30.0 Dowling M S 153 Hailey Foster, 7 22:35.9 Johnston M S 154 Evelynn Lampe, 7 22:36.1 Johnston M S 155 Kennedy Dales, 7 22:38.8 Roosevelt M S 156 Mari Delmonico, 8 22:39.9 Waukee Prairieview 157 Eden Gregg, 7 22:41.9 Valley M S 158 Kaedyn Straw, 8 22:49.3 Waukee Prairieview 159 Payton Taylor, 8 22:51.1 Ankeny Southview 160 54 Emma Petersen, 7 23:00.0 Hoover M S 161 55 Evelyn R, 7 23:01.9 Hoover M S 162 Piper Good, 7 23:02.4 Roosevelt M S 163 Aeralynn Brommel, 8 23:08.5 Roosevelt M S 164 Natalie Easter, 7 23:09.6 Valley M S 165 Emme Mathisen, 8 23:17.3 Waukee Prairieview 166 Brooklyn Marks, 8 23:17.7 Waukee Prairieview 167 Emerson Phifer, 7 23:33.6 Roosevelt M S 168 Candy Cristobalm, 8 23:37.6 Johnston M S 169 Ella Harvey, 8 23:41.8 Waukee Prairieview 170 Frankie Ill, 7 23:42.9 Roosevelt M S 171 Camille Veenstra, 7 23:44.7 Johnston M S 172 Viv Wicks, 7 23:47.1 Valley M S 173 Kelsi Miller, 8 23:51.4 Ankeny Southview 174 Ceci Gulick, 8 23:59.2 Waukee Prairieview 175 Beatrice Allen-Hayter, 7 24:02.4 Roosevelt M S 176 Cameron Mueller, 8 24:05.5 Waukee Prairieview 177 Lilly Exley, 8 24:09.6 Roosevelt M S 178 Elizabeth Alonso, 8 24:10.6 Ankeny Southview 179 Caroline Saywahn, 8 24:10.6 Waukee Prairieview 180 Lidya Nessa Kucuk, 8 24:11.6 Roosevelt M S 181 Charlotte Mooney, 7 24:28.3 Dowling M S 182 Presley Sime, 7 24:37.6 Johnston M S 183 Greir Connor, 8 24:44.6 Waukee Prairieview 184 Rya Carter, 8 25:06.7 Valley M S 185 Sadie Haines, 7 25:19.3 Roosevelt M S 186 Samantha Milnes, 8 25:27.7 Waukee Prairieview 187 Magdiel Cruz Melo, 7 25:29.1 Roosevelt M S 188 56 Kah'zaih Williams, 8 25:30.1 Lincoln M S 189 Maya Omeradich, 7 25:30.3 Roosevelt M S 190 57 Sionna Murchison, 7 25:30.3 Lincoln M S 191 Annabelle McNertney, 7 25:38.3 Johnston M S 192 Kaelyn Schalk, 7 25:57.5 Johnston M S 193 Ellie Chanthalangsy, 8 26:15.1 Ankeny Southview 194 Annabeth Augspurger, 7 26:24.8 Valley M S 195 Rachel Coosner, 7 26:26.8 Valley M S 196 Lauren Van Weelden, 8 26:28.5 Waukee Prairieview 197 Kate Dunn, 8 26:29.0 Waukee Prairieview 198 58 Ava Greer, 7 26:39.7 Lincoln M S 199 Kaylee Stammerman, 8 26:42.5 Ankeny Southview 200 59 Natalie Reha, 7 26:45.6 Lincoln M S 201 Lyla Mumm, 7 26:50.5 Johnston M S 202 60 Makayla Young, 8 26:56.6 Lincoln M S 203 61 Emma LaGrange, 8 27:00.2 East M S 204 Sydney Bohen, 7 27:20.6 Roosevelt M S 205 Tia Moore, 7 27:23.5 Roosevelt M S 206 Harper Butterworth, 8 27:30.5 Johnston M S 207 Stella Sheppard, 8 27:43.3 Dowling M S 208 Vaya Reihsen, 8 27:43.7 North M S 209 62 Gali Rodriguez-Gonzalez, 828:01.1 East M S 210 63 Mia Morales, 7 28:08.1 Hoover M S 211 64 Nevaeh Hellmers, 7 28:09.1 East M S 212 Maci Madden, 8 28:11.2 Waukee Prairieview 213 65 Jordin Friest, 7 28:11.2 Hoover M S 214 66 Audrey Uvalle-SanElias, 828:47.6 East M S 215 67 Amanda AlcantaraSanchez, 828:51.1 East M S 216 68 Reagan Heilman, 7 28:53.1 East M S 217 Skylar Ammons, 8 29:45.9 Waukee Prairieview 218 Joanna Patino, 7 29:58.3 Roosevelt M S 219 69 NeRiah Ziaty, 7 30:08.0 Lincoln M S 220 Vasavi Theegala, 8 30:31.4 Waukee Prairieview 221 Mary Flick, 8 30:48.5 Valley M S 222 Charlotte Gerlock, 8 30:52.2 Roosevelt M S 223 Gianna Munoz-Ramirez, 7 31:02.9 East M S 224 70 Malaz Nubie, 7 31:03.3 Hoover M S 225 Jadyn Slauson, 7 31:35.8 Johnston M S 226 Autumn Braun DeBolt, 7 31:54.9 Roosevelt M S 227 Mia Harwell, 7 33:02.0 Hoover M S 228 Aracely Martinez, 7 33:03.0 Roosevelt M S

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